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由Just Dan編輯: 7/3/2017 1:40:13 PM

Outbreak Prime Step 9 having issues

Yesterday I went through almost the entirety of the outbreak prime quest with not much difficulty, and now me and the fireteam I did it with have made it to step 9, but for whatever reason we can't finish the puzzle. We went to the iron temple and used the online app to get the solutions and we put them in, then we double checked the math to see that they added up to 730, but with no luck, the final node on our unstable siva engine grids just wouldn't unlock. We spent a couple hours changing our codes to go through nearly every possible solution the online calculator app came up with but nothing seemed to make a difference and we gave up for the night. Is there something we're missing? Do you have to finish entering your solution codes at the same time and then the equalizer node unlocks or something? Anything more to it than just completing the solution and waiting for everyone else to input theirs? So far all the online sources I've went to haven't clearly defined anything of the sort, other than that you have to press A on the equalizer node at the same time to all finally get the gun, but again, whatever codes we enter don't give us the option to select the equalizer node at all, it stays greyed out and nobody is able to activate it. Any help on this problem would be greatly appreciated, if you've experienced the same thing and managed to get past it I'd love to know what you ended up doing. If you wanna contact me on xbox my gamertag is: iiBlue Angel Thanks



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