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由xRADIOACT1V3x編輯: 6/27/2017 2:44:42 PM

That time I went to a cottage with friends

>be me >16, Going on camping/cottage trip with friends >they can be a bit weird sometimes >they also basically forced me to go >the only one in the group who knows how to drive >so we drive up to this cottage my parents have >It's a bit old but they renovated it years ago >haven't been in like 2 years >So we roll up to the building >small little 1 story thing with a huge patio >friends are stoked to be here >recently got wifi/cell service in this area, which isn't too surprising >The space wasn't too far from civilization obviously so it makes sense >We get to the door >open it >-blam!-.jpg >it's unlocked >someone broke in maybe >My friends ignore me and think I'm joking >they set up shop >walk around the first and only floor >everything is how it should be >except there are weird prints everywhere >closer inspection, they're paw prints >"hey guys there might be an animal in here" >check the house real quick, no animal found >the-blam!-.sfw >my friend opens a closet to put a suitcase in there >"OP, come here real quick..." >go to friend >hanging in the closet is a costume >not just any costume >fursuit.gif >Friend calls me a furry >"Bruh that's not mine" >the closet has some other unfamiliar stuff in it but just assume it's my parents stuff >we both laugh it off and chuck the suit outside though >Concerned that someone got in and hung their shit up, we plan to barricade the door for the night >later we have a campfire >we go inside because we hear howling noises >"OP, why are there wolves here? I thought those were further north, not this close to the city..." >get inside and barricade doors >the animal tracks were probably wolves? But I don't know >open bedroom door to sleep >get into bed >Someone knocks on door >get up >friend gets up too, he's holding a bat >we look out the peephole >this dude is banging frantically on the door >What the -blam!- >turn on a light outside, see him clearer >looks mid 20's maybe >we open this small compartment in the door and speak to the guy >better look at him, hairy as -blam!- >"please you gotta let me in. I'm lost dude please help" >Dude smells like he sounds, not sure if we want to let him in. >We unbarricade the door >he steps in and a friend tackles him >checks for weapons >he's good >let him up and apologize >he explains that he was lost, but was happy to be found >try and ask his name n shit >He can't remember >he does remember the house though >apparently he's lived here in the woods >claimed he owned the suit we threw outside >He has no idea how he got lost >we sit him down to ask how he got into the house >pulls out a paper clip >picklocking was at 100 apparently >he goes outside to retrieve the suit >He comes back in dressed as a wolf man >"it's a little dirty but I'll wash it when I get back" >get back where >"to the convention" >there was a convention 3 weeks ago at some centre a few miles away >apparently the dude tried to walk there >got lost >saw a cottage in the woods >took refuge there >got lost in woods >He's grateful to be found now though but we know that already >he starts asking if we have any food >hasn't eaten in a few days, starving really >we give him the food we had leftover >he literally friggen howls like a wolf, >guess we knew what that sound was >guy was just hungry or something >was trying to get someone's attention >Proceeds to scarf everything down >afterwards asks if he can sleep here >say sure and offer the couch >he says there's no need >lays down on floor >in touch with the ground >was on the hunt, he was after food >he smells like he sounds >looks lost in the crowd >and he was hungry like the wolf...



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