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原先發佈於:The Ashen Conflux
由Joyaboi編輯: 5/22/2017 2:45:27 AM

The Cabal Create A Star!

*a Wild Gringo has appeared* Possible spoiler warning. What I am saying is speculation but well supported. What I say in this post may be simply a plot point of Destiny 2 or a huge twist. Consider yourself warned. I apologize for the questionably spoilerish title, but anybody who bothered to watch the gameplay trailer would know the Cabal are doing something with a star. Oh and also what I am getting, mostly images, are from official sources. I will not go through the effort of sourcing each, but if you request I will give the source. So one of the larger parts of the Destiny 2 gameplay reveal was a [url=]Cabal device[/url] doing something to what appeared to be our sun, which I will refer to as Sol for convince's sake. This trailer then cuts to [url=]what appears to be Sol blowing up[/url], taking a planetoid with it. Many have theorized it is a Cabal weapon that was used to destroy Sol. In this post, I will defend my claim that that star is not even Sol, but that the Cabal have created their own star in our Solar System. It may sound crazy, but I think I can convince you. The first and most obvious piece of evidence would be this image of [url=]3 Guardians staring at 2 stars[/url]. There is very little to refute the fact that these guardians are staring at 2 stars, which are assumably within our system. It could be said that this is anything from something exploding near sol to a Guardian vision of some other world to another system (the latter I find the least likely as Destiny has always been confined within our Solar System and Bungie hasn't said a peep about going to other systems. The next piece of evidence harkens back to [url=]this image[/url]. To go further into depth, the clip shows rocks floating into the vast device, and coming out as a beam of energy. To the left appears to be the planetoid where the rocks are coming from. There has been a lot of question about this but I think it is actually a device used to create a star. This is further reinforced by [url=]this image[/url], which shows assumably the same planetoid being ripped apart by some unseen force. I would venture that it is being torn apart by the Cabal's [url=]lovely star builder[/url] hidden between the planet and the star. As for the logistics of this, I think it makes perfect sense. If you were to build a star, you need a lot of energy. And e=mc^2 so a planet's worth of mass converted to energy is probably enough to get you a star, if a little smaller than Sol. This device seems quite important, as there has been no shortage of footage from it even though it is not an explorable world. Some of them you can even see the huge blue beam coming off of it. One last thing to note is the probability of it. The idea of building a star may sound improbably, even for Destiny, but remember that the Cabal "blow up planets just for getting in their way." How far off is it that they could also build a star with their immense power? I hope I have convinced you that the Red Legion have created a star using the corpse of a dead planet. If you do not agree, please share what you think this machine is doing and what those 2 stars are. I am curious. If you agree with me, share why you think the Cabal would want to build a star when they already have a perfectly good one, Sol? Whatever reason it must be very important. And please check out my lore clan, The Ashen Conflux. We discuss this kind of stuff constantly so if you are interested, check it out. Thanks for your time. [spoiler]Oh and here's a link to a similar post I found which basically says the same thing but that Sol is used to make Mercury into a Star and not a planetoid is used to make a star. Worth a read.[/spoiler]



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