[To Bungie] Question about D2 and Destiny's future that NEEDS answering
[b]This question is addressed directly to Bungie.[/b]
We can't bring our stuff from D1 into D2. I could probably bring myself to tolerate it, just this once. That's not enough for me put it behind me entirely, because it sets a bad precedent for the future. They say it was necessary this time because the franchise needed a fresh start, but how many fresh starts will it need?
There is no way of knowing whether or not the same thing would happen at the end of D2's lifespan, there is no way of knowing if this is going to become a trend. The community needs to know before we take the collective dive into D2, so my question is as follows:
[b][i]Will the items and progression we make in D2 be carried over into D3 and subsequent games?[/i][/b]
I had fun in the original Destiny, but if I knew at the beginning that I wouldn't be able to carry my stuff into the sequel, I can't say for certain if I'd have even started. I want to know now, with 100% certainty, whether or not the next 3 years of my Destiny career will even matter.
Tell me, and depending on your answer, you will either lose a customer forever, or gain an additional preorder of Destiny 2.
Calling it now, in D3 The Vex send us to a different time thus meaning all our vaults and gear can't be used. It'll be a fresh start, we'll have to destroy the Vex in order to go back to the time in which we were in then in D4 we'll be back but the events of D3 would have changed the present so drastically that nothing is the same, meaning another fresh start in D4.
If you look at franchises that allow you to carry anything over from one game to the next, it's almost exclusively limited to your character, and if applicable, storyline-altering decisions you may have made. There are almost no games that allow you to carry over one game's inventory from one game to its sequel, so Destiny is not doing anything out of the ordinary.