I can't believe this:
Who the f[b]u[/b]ck cares about her payroll other than herself? Her pay or the movie itself was never about gender "oppression" or "feminism". The movie was about telling a good story that added greater depth to a story we already know, learning about great characters and the role they play in the grand scheme of the Star Wars saga. Felicity Jones claims that her higher payroll is an act of women's "rights" when it isn't; it was simply because she played the lead role in [i]Rogue One[/i]. If she believes that women should be payed more than men, then she's the very thing she hates. It's sad to see all the hipsters and SJWs back her up on this, but I'm not surprised--it's f[b]u[/b]cking Twitter after all, one of the few yet loud-spoken strongholds the SJWs have left after being disproven and debunked so many times.
I lost all respect for Felicity Jones after reading this from her; turns out the media corrupted her after all.
[spoiler]I still encourage people to watch [i]Rogue One[/i], nevertheless. It's a great movie, and it didn't get ruined by all this media corruption.[/spoiler]