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原先發佈於:The Ashen Conflux
由thecheater740編輯: 1/13/2017 3:09:23 AM

Argument for FWC as the right choice of faction

I'm just going to get right into explaining: New monarchy are commies. 'Nuff said. Seriously, look at the underlined parts of their platform: [spoiler]1. To secure our walls against the enemy without. 2. To secure the rights and liberties of every [u]upstanding citizen.[/u] 3. To sponsor the sciences of the City, and to salvage the ruins beyond, so that our Golden Age might be reborn. 4. To support the Guardian Orders by leading the City in technological innovation. 5. To support the natural harmony of the City, and to [u]actively dissuade any group or individual that might disrupt that harmony. [/u] 6. To hold all individuals, compacts, and alliances to the highest standards of productivity and right behavior. 7. To, by vote of the Consensus, abolish the Consensus, and transfer ultimate power, in order that the rights and liberties of all citizens be secured, to [u]a single sovereign of unimpeachable character.[/u][/spoiler] The first underline, upstanding citizen, is sugar coat for the 1%. It clearly says that it's going to give the 1% rights, but the other 99% don't get their own tenet. The second ,actively dissuade any group or individual that might disrupt that harmony., is something typical of real world communist regimes. It could easily mean calling their political opponents terrorists and banning them, but it's disguised as something good. The third,a single sovereign of unimpeachable character., is another mark of typical communism, the lifetime ruler with absolute power. It doesn't specifically say "absolute power" but it says single ruler, meaning no Congress or supreme Court or likely Constitution to stop him, so where else is the power but the king? Something you may not have known is that the word unimpeachable does not mean not being able to be removed from office, but here's the real definition: . This doesn't have to mean anything, they could just drop it once they win. The king is likely to be also the incorrect meaning too though. Don't vote NM. NM is communist NWO illuminati. Now on to dead orbit, now I can get into what I know best: the darkness; more specifically the Hive. The hive's goal is to exterminate all life in the universe, they deem anything that can be killed as unworthy to live. Many uneducated dead orbit supporters would claim that all the aliens attacking earth are only after the traveler. This is only correct for the fallen; the vex see us as threats to their godhood, and the cabal are, kind of ironically, more unknown, some say they're running from something, others say they want to conquer earth for territory. But the Hive are the most powerful of the aliens attacking earth. Once they get the traveler, they will be unstoppable with the power they gain from destroying the traveler, and they won't stop there, they will continue to roam the universe until it's all theirs, and they won't be stopped by anything else, with the traveler's power taken from us. It needs to end here, or it will never end. And now, for the moment only I've been waiting for (because nobody's going to read my post, you never do): the Future War Cult! The FWC want to take the fight to the darkness first, and defeat it with the help of their time machine. Most of the timelines have an end where the darkness wins, or the city is destroyed, except for a few. Improvements of the time machine can find out what the alternate-timeline guardians did to defend the city. The other part of FWC is also good for the city, as I said before about the Hive, they will not stop until they're defeated, and FWC is the only faction that wants to explicitly go out there and take the fight to them, like what we've been doing as we play destiny. It all comes down to this: you can't run from the Hive, and new monarchy doesn't even seem to care as much about the ALIEN APOCALYPSE as getting their party the presidency. EDIT: I know that new monarchy isn't the communist party, but communist, to most people, means any place where the ruler has a lot of power and people are opressed. Communism really refers to the government having control over the economy.
#Destiny #lore



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  • Lol. All the factions have crap philosophies, that is the point! Especially FWC. It was an amazing move by bungie, subtly pointing out what real humans would do in an actual apocalyptic scenario: Look to some hero to solve their problems for them Run away from it like pansies Just give up entirely and say "fuk it" Lets be clear, NM doesn't want a new government or even a king: They want a messiah figure they can dump their problems on. DO doesn't want to retreat to new territory or explore new area, they want to run away from something they can't shoot to death. FWC is especially bad though, because they literally don't want to do anything new. They just want to keep throwing guardians and even non-guardians at the darkness, despite "knowing" it will fail. So no, none of the factions are good, Especially FWC.



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