Director Krennic is a Misunderstood Antagonist and i was Rooting for him the Entire Film
A. He had to Claw his way up to the Position of Director, as he was not Born into a Rich and Powerful Family (Like most High Ranking Imperials)
B. He was Responsible (and in Charge) of Building the Deathstar
C. He has Deathtroopers as Bodyguard, 'Nuff Said
D. Tarkin went "Im the Captain Now" to him (You would be Pìssed too)
E. He has a REVOLVER BLASTER (the DT-29) and is (Currently) the only SW blaster that does not Overheat and has to be Manually Reloaded
I was rooting for him the Entire Film, anyone who disagrees is Rebel Scum