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12/15/2016 4:21:39 PM

Are you excited about Rogue One?

May the Force be with you. (Yes)


I find your lack of faith disturbing. (Kinda)




Just saw Rogue One last night. I work at a theater, if you're wondering how I've seen it. We do quality checks every week to ensure that new releases are ready for their opening weekend. Anyways. Just curious if people are excited about it. I know some people are put off at the idea of doing spin off films. More so, some Star Wars fans are upset about the retconning of the story of the rebels stealing the death star plans. I agree, -blam!- you Disney for throwing out 30 years of expanded universe material. Would have been great if it had been made canon. Sorry I'm beginning to rant. Won't do it. I will say this, Rogue One was damn good! Admittedly one of the better films in the saga to be honest. It's got some good easter eggs that refer to A New Hope for those die hard fans that are gonna see them and be like "oh shit" ANH reference! I could only really find two faults with it that really bugged me. The first being that the film planet hops too much. This pertains more to the start of the film than anything. It got irritating because a scene would get a good pacing going only to abruptly change locations to show viewers something new. The second being that out of all the Rogue One members, only Jyn and Cassian get any real character development. Which is disappointing because all of the characters have enough personality to be interesting and make you wanna know more about them, but nothing gets explored. Sure people will know a little about Saw Gererra because he was previously established in the Clone Wars cartoon and mentioned in the Rebels cartoon. But I really wanted to know more about Chirrut and Baze. They have great chemistry in the movie. Overall, I give the film a 8/10. Tell me what y'all think.



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