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9/27/2016 1:18:42 AM
If that's the case, chances of finding your next node is tiny (0.1%) as there are 1,024 combinations of node patterns. The chances of finding all eight nodes in the chain will be impossible.



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  • 由Tigermeister編輯: 9/27/2016 1:36:25 AM
    I strongly suspect the nodes actually released by Bungie do not occupy the full phase space of shape permutations, i.e. Bungie did not release a full complement of 1,024 distinct nodes. I managed to find a user whose node is identical to mine--we verified that the rest of our information is also identical. I strongly suspect they released a far smaller set, and use the flexibility of the forwarding protocols to obfuscate the low number of actual nodes in existence.



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  • That's a good point, I've been following the reddit pages and I'm yet to find someone with the same node as me or the next one in the chain.



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  • I've been in a ARG-cracking chat, and there've been three confirmed sets of overlaps so far: me & another guy, a four-way overlap, and another two-way overlap. Identical nodes having all identical other information has been confirmed in all cases.



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  • Elementary my dear Watson! The actual nodes, protocols, and verification of said cypher is right here, in my ham sandwich.



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