原先發佈於:The Enlightenment Act
The above picture shows Wobbufett, a silly looking Pokémon that you would probably know. Watchers of the anime definitely know Wobbufett in his pretty frequent appearances with team rocket.
There are some weird things about that big blue Pokémon. For one thing, all of its attacks are defensive, and it can only learn the 4 moves it starts with. Mirror coat reflects the attack it took and hits it back with double the power, but only for special attacks. Counter does the same but only for physical attacks. Safeguard is a move that protects the user from status effects. Lastly, the most interesting move of its is Destiny bond, a move that if used at the same turn that another Pokémon KO's them, that Pokémon faints as well.
Now, you may be thinking, what's so important about these things? I mean, it's just Wobbufett, the silly sorta cute Pokémon with the funny anime eyes and-
Wait. Eyes. Those weird triangles on it's head. Those aren't really eyes are they? They look more like marks, since there really isn't anything to them. Look back at its photo. Wobbufett has a tail. That tail? It has eyes.
[b]The Theory:Wobbufett evolved from Unknown[/b]
So how does this theory even make sense? If you played any of the games it doesn't make sense. But the obvious things you may be thinking is that the tail, like the unknowns, is a small black tube thing with eyes. There's a LOT more. So let's look at all the evidence:
Wynaut, the Pre-evolution of the Unknown in disguise, also has this same feature. The description for Wynaut in many of the Pokedex's is: "Wynaut are the pre-evolved form of Wobbufett. They travel in herds and at night, retire to caves where they sleep together in groups."
What to take out of this is that if they evolved from unknown, powerful yet scared Pokémon, they would need to stick together to stay safe and not venture out much. This also explains that they evolve if they go solo, and get a larger frame to protect its actual body.
Yes, my other large point in this theory is that Wobbufett's body is a huge balloon and is protecting its tail. It never uses its tail and never shows it. In the anime and the games, it always endures hits. EXCEPT when hit in the tail. It endures it all with its many defensive moves because it isn't its actual body. Unknown are known to have reality altering bodies, so it would be able to produce something like this.
And since the defensive moves fit into this theory, that means I'll have to fit Destiny bond as well. And it fits perfectly! If a wild Wobbufett was about to be defeated, it doesn't want anyone learning its secret, so if knocked down, it'll take the other down with them and keep their secret safe.
Wobbufett is also only found in caves, throughout all the games, usually the dark caves in many regions. The only exceptions are two places:the wilderness zone, and the lakes of Sinnoh. The lakes are still secluded spots and the wilderness zone(only in one game in this case) is always very wide and covered by tall grass to stay hidden. The caves are a big piece of evidence, just like how the Wynaut sleep there at night and is the only place(2 exceptions for two out of many games) to catch Wobbufett, unknown are also only found in caves.
Wobbufett's Psychic type also is evident that it is connected to Unknown. Why else would a seemingly normal type have a Psychic element(besides lazy devs but usually the type of the Pokémon has meaning)
Wobbufett's name is just a mix of wobble and buffet, describing how it's form wobbles a lot. In Super Smash Bros, if you find a Wobbufett in a thrown pokeball, it will just wobble about as well. This motion and name origin further solidifies the claim that Wobbufett is actually a balloon like frame with an unknown tail.
Furthermore, have you ever noticed how... well... dumb Wobbufett is? Sure, it's a Pokémon and can't speak our language(besides that pesky Meowth), but Pokémon in the anime as well as the game can show feelings and make facial expressions, as well a communicate with eye contact and difference in how they call(whatever their call may be). Wobbufett doesn't show any of this. In the anime it always messes up their own masters(Team Rocket) plans, it always has the same reaction for everything and it never seems to have any change to itself. Even in one of my favorite games, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky in the cafe, it only says the words "That's Right!" And totally lacks really any personality, while every other Pokémon in the mystery dungeon series:every single one: can speak english(or is shown as English) and can speak many phrases and has emotion and personality. Can this all be a dumb act to hide its true identity? A way to distract from its other features?
The biggest and most obvious evidence is the last. The Pokedex entries. Just look at how clearly they correlate to my points.
Gold/LeafGreen/Heart Gold/X:It hates light and shock. If attacked, it inflates its body to pump up its counterstrike.
-This shows how it can pump up its body.... like a balloon.
Silver/FireRed/SoulSilver/Y:n order to conceal its black tail, it lives in a dark cave and only moves about at night.
-Now I wonder why it likes to live in caves and hide its tail.... [i]wink[/i]
Ruby/Omega Ruby:
If two or more Wobbutffet meet, they will turn Competitive and try to outdo each other's endurance. However, they may try and see which one can endure the longest without food. Trainers need to be aware of this habit:
This supports the Enduring balloon part since it can endure so much it can't be it's actually body.
Sapphire/Alpha Sapphire
Wobbuffet does nothing but endure attacks - it won't attack on its own. However, it won't endure an attack on its tail. When that happens, the Pokémon will try to take the foe with it using Destiny bond.
-Like I said, it will endure everything but not its tail, and will then try to take the foe with them.... it MUST be hiding something.
Usually docile, a Wobbuffet strikes back ferociously if its black tail is attacked. It makes its lair in caves where it waits for nightfall.
-Once again with the caves and the striking back when attacked.....
Diamond/Pearl/Platinum/Black/White/Black 2/White 2:It desperately tries to keep its black tail hidden. It is said to be proof the tail hides a secret.
-I think you can decipher this one
And, finally, Wobbufett is number 202 on the National Pokedex. Pre evolutions always come before evolutions in the Pokedex. Guess what is number 201?
Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it. Do you agree? Disagree? Please discuss below. Even though this isn't my idea of a theory I did all the research on my own without references. The theory has been thought of before
Idk I haven't really associated with pokemon since like silver but to me this is a little farfetch'd. Sure it could be a balloon but that doesn't mean an unknown is in it. Could just be a balloon-turtle-weeblewobble inspired Pokemon. Only real convincing thing is the pokedex numbers.
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