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原先發佈於:Community Carnage
由Seraphim Crypto編輯: 9/15/2016 8:07:25 AM

Community Carnage - Halo: Reach 6th Anniversary! - Wednesday, September 14th [FINISHED]

[b]Important Details[/b] [quote]Game: Halo: Reach Date: Wednesday 09/14/16 Time: @ 6:00 PM Pacific Time Type "Pacific Standard Time", and 6:00 PM to localize the time.[/quote] Feel free to sign up here if you'd like to play with us this upcoming Anniversary. Community Carnage will be hosting a Halo: Reach game night. Party all time! Come celebrate! This lobby will be filled on a first come, first served basis. No exceptions. To enlist in this ooze-filled carnage just reply to this thread with your [b][u]GAMERTAG[/u][/b]. Invites will be send out ten minutes prior to five, at five and ten after. Please be on time. If you are not your spot might be filled by some one else. [quote]YOUR HOST: Seraphim Crypto (GT: Seraphim Crypto)[/quote] [b][u]ROSTER[/u][/b] [spoiler]1. Seraphim Crypto (GT: Seraphim Crypto) 2. human24 (GT: joibasta) 3. Papa Scrub Lord (GT: Papa Scrub Lord) 4. Oh no its Colt (GT: Oh no its Colt) 5. GHOST STALKER77 (GT: GHOST STALKER77) 6. TRASHMASTER667 (GT: TRASHMASTER667) 7. CommanderLouiz (GT: CommanderLouiz) 8. Splater09 (GT: Splatter AEX500) 9. Sencatsu (GT: Sencatsu) 10. gaming fan 2548 (GT: gaming fan 2548) 11. Tuckers baby (GT: mr taco47) 12. Velvet Zorah (GT: Aradia) 13. VicariousSage18 (GT: VicariousSage18) 14. 15. 16. [/spoiler] Subs: [spoiler] 1. TheFlyingNarwhal (GT: NarwhalKnightXB)[/spoiler] I'll be updating the roster when I can. [b]LAST UPDATE: (14/09) 4:36PM PST, 11:36PM GMT, 1:36AM MESZ[/b]



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