由iDovahBear編輯: 8/30/2016 8:41:01 PMHe didn't say it should grant THOSE perks. He said it should do something FOR them. Immolation Fists are pretty -blam!-ing useless, if you ask me. If you got Gauntlets that gave the Double Area of Effect of Grenade/Melee that'd be interesting. But letting you guys build Quiver+Black Hole would be -blam!-ing retarded. That goes above and beyond reaching parity with Forgemaster+Suncharge. It'd be -blam!-ing ridiculous. Nice try though.
由iDovahBear編輯: 8/31/2016 2:19:58 AMMore like picking it over Flameseeker is just asking to never have a chance to proc it. And opting Immolation Fists over Armamentarium/Garrison/etc. is equally questionable. I'm surprised there's a single person here who would advocate Explosive Pyre. It's damn near the worst perk in the entire perk tree. Explosive Pyre just isn't that great unless it's used for a Solar Burn Nightfall/Heroic/PrisonofElders. You can politely suck a lug nut; I've been Titan main since Day One of my playing experience, and while I am not some great Streaming-capable Destiny player, you are certainly not quite as experienced. Just because you have a boner for a subclass doesn't mean it's practical or useful. The perk is niche PvE garbage. I'm sorry but I don't appreciate it when someone tries to talk shit on skill, even lightly, when it comes to my Titan experience. I take PvP Titan more seriously than you might have gotten at first glance. I'm not talking crap on Explosive Pyre because of some inability to use it. I'm talking shit because of the lack of value compared to other better perks that outshine its mediocre applications. It's by and large useless. I really hate to pull the stats card, but people grind my gears when they make gross assumptions.
Experience has little to do with skill. Skill is something you can be born with. Experienced is earned. Same with maturity, which you obviously lack. Then there's the fact that I actually prefer Defender, hence why it's almost always active. Unlike immature people like yourself I don't [b]EVER[/b] feel the need to stat stalk to make a point. Good on you that you have so much "skill" in a [b]GAME[/b]. But since you brought it up: I've complete more Raids, Strikes, Patrols, and Public Events than you. I have more time spent between all Classes as well. While the current Titan and Warlock have a play time, due to continuously breaking them down, the stats alone show I put more time experiencing all Classes. You want to talk about experience and bring up stats yet your experience is clearly less than mine based on those stats. Are you a higher skill? Sure. Do I care? Nope. Is Explosive Pyre the most useful perk? No. But even someone as low skilled as myself finds it useful enough. Should there be other exotics for the subclass? I'm sure there will be. Just remember, even the mentally challenged can be highly skilled at something. Skill can be quickly acquired, experience can only come from time. [spoiler]Go ahead bring up my k/d some more. We both know that's the best immature people like yourself can defend or attack with. [/spoiler] [spoiler]Also I've won more Crucible matches than you.[/spoiler]
由iDovahBear編輯: 8/31/2016 8:44:55 AMI can't believe someone is defending Explosive Pyre this seriously. I can't believe you're talking shit on skill/experience outside of PvP like it matters. I explained to you that you were acting foolish, saying I needed to turn in my Titan card. You are very clearly no better than me. I told you that what you said was ignorant in light of this. I wasn't polite, but then neither were you to begin with, I owed you nothing to the extent of excessive politeness. If you're going to talk shit like that, make sure you're not the pot calling the kettle black. Also, I looked at pretty much all the stats and guess what: You had approximately 2 more days than me which explains the wins, you have me beat at least in Zone Control (which I don't even play actively,) and you're ranked lower for TrueSkill overall in most playlists. I didn't even see Trials lists when I checked the overview on yours, though somehow I doubt you could be this serious about Destiny and never have played. So I'm wondering if the info was dated. Nice try, though.