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原先發佈於:The Ashen Conflux
8/29/2016 11:27:18 PM

YOU can be in Guardians Rising!

So I've been looking for new characters for Guardians Rising. I'm taking your suggestions and you can submit a character based around your Guardian. If you don't know what Guardians Rising is, it is a Fanfiction I am writing with several other Guardians. It goes over the possibility of what would happen if the Raid on Oryx had failed.



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  • My gamertag is Hwyman06 most just know me as highway or highwayman but, my characher: a titan who kills with a mindset of killed or be killed, has a taste for led zeppllin and is hilarious but he has rage, so much that he even killed a teamate, for breaking his vinyl (led zepplin III) as he lives up to his name, Highwayman



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