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原先發佈於:The Ashen Conflux
原先發佈於: YOU can be in Guardians Rising!
由TexasJedi_705編輯: 9/3/2016 3:57:29 PM
Blacknyfe-12, a sarcastic, cynical, pessimistic, exo titan who carries a hatred of the darkness due one of his memories during the Collapse. This drives him to collect enemy weapons and technology so he can study and use them to his advantage. He one of the city's formost experts on the darkness, aside from Eris, and has been asked to take the position of titan vanguard before. Each time he has refuse. Cold, distant, and businesslike on the outside, he is the owner of the treads upon stars and was known for ruthlessly using whatever it took to win a fight, crucible or otherwise. He's motto is, "the enemy doesn't play fair, so neither should we."



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