Sun charge and forge master = OP Titans are master race but I don't agree with that it will result in a nerf for the sunbreaker class. If the gloves gave fleet fire or simmering flames I could go with that
由iDovahBear編輯: 8/30/2016 8:43:28 PMI think Immolation Fists should give Cauterize instead or in addition to Explosive Pyre*. Explosive Pyre* is an underwhelming perk, to be completely honest. I'd never run it. *Asterisks because I accidentally wrote Flameseeker. Though if it gave Flameseeker instead of Cauterize, that would make sense too.
由adder3編輯: 8/30/2016 4:51:39 PMYeah because bladedancers can throw their knives, and their knives turn into mini bombs with AoE... Also suncharge one shots everything and lunges way further than blade [spoiler]i have two Titans and a warlock and I even understand that comment was asinine [/spoiler]
'Asinine' is one of those strong words people, predominantly young Americans, use to and sound clever / put people down. As such, I really don't like to see people using it. I would consider toning it down a touch as it comes across very aggressively. Sure, you're right to say that Bladedancers can't throw their super. I guess my point was: why should using sun charge drain more super than throwing the hammer? It makes you more agile, sure. But I don't think it matters. Sun charge is noticeably underused while it drains so much super energy. You may disagree.
由Talia Sendua編輯: 8/30/2016 10:19:39 PMAnd Hunter with hitscan Goldengun and Warlock with Novabomb over 9000 Range aren't OP in the Crucible? And don't Forget the Arcblade with unlimited Killheal! Sunbreakers lost with a Nerf their Awesome Armor while the Hammer, but every other active Super have a Right about Damage Reduction? Sunbreakers haven't much Armor so they Need better Exo Items for Super Perks.
[quote]And Hunter with hitscan Goldengun and Warlock with Novabomb over 9000 Range aren't OP in the Crucible?.[/quote] Lets dissect that shall we so hunter with hitscan is what? Basically a high aa sniper with three shot that means a maximum of three kills. Don't try and tell me that it overpowered in trials because honestly if you see someone pop a golden gun in trials your going to blow his head of with a sniper. As for nova bomb with its over powered range have you ever thrown one at an entire enemy team that's standing around the heavy only to have it hit one pixel of a rock or somethin and have it do nothing. Don't be dumbass and get your nerd heading ass off the forums
The sunbreakers roaming super is good enough as is. If you have a garrison on it makes it even better. Nova bomb takes some skill to aim has 1 throw and can be avoided. Blade dancer you can see them coming they do have instant heal but the trade off is you need to get close enough to the point where a skilled shotgunner can blast their face and melee them resulting in a trade. Surcharge you do get close but it is soo quick that it's almost unavoidable with its aim assist so as a result is consumes a lot of super energy per use. If you had gloves that give you sum charge and you ran it with forge master, explosive pyre and cauterize it would be the most obnoxious thing in crucible. It's an unjustifiable armor perk to be able to run both forge master and sun charge I main Titan and disagree with your view. Fun and op as they are.
Sun charge + hammers have way more kill potential than golden gun or nova bomb especially when you have the perk that cause enemies to explode which in turn kills nearby enemies in close enough proximity.. And you get more armour than both those supers.. You're just upset because it takes a lil more skill to use Sunbreaker since it's not a panic super Titans are literally the master race right now( used to be hunters then warlocks) I can't take any Titans seriously who call for nerf considering how broken Titans are now compared to everything else Stop being a troll