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由Spidey編輯: 8/28/2016 12:27:19 AM

[PS4] Official Angels of Death: Recruiting Lady Gamers

The Official Angels of Death are recruiting [b]lady gamers[/b] with or without skill that would like to improve and/or help others. Our clan has great standards and a high respect for the members. You'll need a mic as communication is key in what we do. There are a few steps involved in joining, so if you aren't familiar just add me, Spyd3rm4n387, on PS4 and I'll walk you through the process. We have a high success rate when it comes to coaching players in both pvp and pve environments, so don't let your level of skill keep you from applying. Our clan page can be accessed via [quote]If you believe your weapon wants to end all existence, then so it will.[/quote] [i]Why females? We already have a few, but it'd be nice for them to have more lady guardians to assist them and develop solid fireteams.[/i] [i]If you are a guy, please respond to our other posts if you are interested in joining.[/i]



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