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由Cobravert編輯: 8/25/2016 6:14:33 PM

2020 Mazda RX-9, what it may or may not look like.

I have always had a soft spot when it came to the RX-7. Don't know why. The rotary engine never seemed to live up to it's potential outside the 787b, freakin' monster. The RX-8 was ok, but just under powered compared to it's contemporaries. This one however, just doesn't look the part. At least from the front. It looks too much like what last year's Acura NSX concept was - too much luxury sports car rather than just sports car. It has the same grille as the Aston Martin, Ford, stolen and inverted a year later by Chevy. Love the sides though. Smooth, sleek. Now there are a few sites claiming this is a 2019 model. It is not to be released until the 2020 model year. that and there is a definite possibility that those smooth, sleek sides are only on the concept. There are some pictures also of it looking like this. Now it looks more BMW than RX-anything. I would hope more for the concept version, but it would be pretty impractical for a production model.



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  • I freaking love rotaries but if they do it will end up as a hybrid as that's probably the only way they can make it economical enough to deal with today's emissions. But as long as it's got that sweet sweet rotary sound I'll be happy. Maybe I'll trade my Z35 that doesn't exist yet in for one...



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