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由xRADIOACT1V3x編輯: 8/19/2016 3:59:42 PM

[RESOLVED] Buying a refurbished console...good or bad idea?

Buy the refurb (369.99$)


Don't be a cheap-ass, buy the new one (429.99$)


Before it gets mentioned, yes I have both an Xbox one and PC. The issue is 1. Very small amounts of friends on both of those consoles (the party's on PS4), and PC's not so great. Anyway: I'm planning on buying a PS4 soon, and the local EBGAMES has a refurbished console set at 369.99$ A new console is about 429.99$ Is it worth buying the refurb console if there's a risk of it pretty much having no warranty right out of the box and potentially bricking on me the second I start playing? Or would that be something that's "recycled/used"? Edit: Oh right I forgot, America's dollar doesn't have the same value as Canada's dollar (or something economy related like that) Ergo, shit is generally more expensive here now. Edit 2: New ps4, one copy of NMS, one PS+ card, a free copy of the division and one pack of free thumbgrips. Thanks for the help deciding guys!



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  • I mean, it's not a terrible idea. I have a refurbished ps4 from GameStop and it came with a full warranty and one year through GameStop. Still running two years strong. But, also got it when not everyone had a current gem console. Plus at the time I saved like $100 USD to get a couple used games. But, there is always the chance it can mess up or break or anything, really. Now that ps4s have been out for a while you can expect the quality to be a little less in terms of used/refurbished. If you have the money just go for the new one. If you find a really good deal with warranty on a refurbished one, commit to that.



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