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原先發佈於:Iron Hamster
8/7/2016 2:21:43 AM

✨Destiny Who will Die Next?

Hello Guardians! Hope this weekend is starting well for everyone, I've been having a lot of fun trying out new weapons in the crucible. So like many, I am super excited for all the new things coming with Rise of Iron :) especially the story content of the game. And as I was wondering about what we'll see in those amazing story cutscenes I started to wonder... in year three will there be a dramatic moment just like in the Taken King? We lost the Queen in the beginning of the taken war ( as far as we know, rumors that she isn't exactly dead are everywhere ) and I wondered, will there be another "great death" of one of our favorite characters in the battle against the SIVA virus? What do you guys think, if there is to be a character death , who will it be? All for fun guardians, share with us you're pick and how it would happen . As always I will share my thoughts first. My pick would be Lord Saladin. I feel like we are going on this new journey to learn about all the iron lords of the past and building the structures to becoming iron lords ourselves, on this journey we end up encountering the missing iron lord Efrideet. At first we are approached as friend but later we find out she has been infected by the SIVA virus and kills ( with her famed sniper rifle ) our Lord Saladin. But the action shakes the SIVA control over Efrideet who is devastated by Saladin's death. This paves the way for us guardians to defeat SIVA once and for all ( so to speak ) and story content ends with a iron lord statue made of Lord Saladin and Efrideet lighting his fire. Oh and this leads Efrideet to be the head of our new Iron Banner competitions. Is it too Game of Thrones guardians lol let me know what you think and please share your pick for the next "great death ". As always your kindness and attention are greatly appreciated :) P. Hikita of iron hamsters NYC



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