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5/6/2016 9:58:53 PM

OMG, Bungie! Use a spell checker!

First, I clicked a link on the Bungie site (this site) and it was a dead link. Instead of the page I expected, I got Bungie's custom "Error 404" page. Like it wasn't enough that I got a dead link (you know they have automated checkers for that, just sayin'), but there was a misspelling on that custom page. Please, Bungie... The word is spelled "having" not "haveing". By the way, I am a "Software Quality Assurance Engineer" who just finished 4 years at Microsoft (and boy am I glad to be out of THAT place). If you want someone who can catch those pesky "404 errors", not to mention you're misspelled words, I am available to start work tomorrow. Consider this my resume. :) Thanks, Tahoe Sands QA Engineer and self appointed "word [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url]"



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  • Well, here it is, July 18th and the dead link and misspelling remain unchanged. On the software projects I have worked on in the past, we really valued user input and responded quickly, making fixes and thanking users for doing our job for us. What did I get? Crickets... Chirp chirp.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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