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原先發佈於: Rasputin took the Exos? (Lore)
5/3/2016 8:36:42 PM
I don't really know what you are asking or contesting, but this is what is happening (as much as we can know): -Rasputin's only objective is to keep humanity live at costs. Even if it kills them, humanity [i]will survive[/i]. -Rasputin is the harshest Queen in the triumvirate of power in this specific instance. His rule is harshest, and his people are not happy, but he [i]will[/i] survive. -After the Golden Age stuff with the pre-guardians that hated him, Rasputin began preparing a fail safe. In the event that the Traveler was not the altruist he pretended to be, Rasputin wanted a backup plan. -Raspy took the Exos over from Clovis Bray I's operation. Converting Clovis Bray I's Exos into war machines. (It is ironic, the only eternal in the Destiny ideology is the struggle. It started with wanting immortality, and that meant forever war). -Darkness shows up and Raspy kind of blames the Traveler. He lowers the orbital defence system, killing billions, to learn how the Darkness works. Now he can win. -Here is where Destiny (us being revived in Russia) starts. Raspy is largely dark, doing his shady Rasputin stuff. -Exo Stranger surfaces, Raspy is looking into what he learned about the Darkness (Most likely sword logic and how everything connects) -Rasputin sees the same thing FWC does, every known reality will lose to war. Except one. One reality exists where war was not the best option in the universal struggle (the Toland's journal entry about Atom v primordial broth) -Rasputin talks to the Exo Stranger. He wants to learn how to step between timelines like she can (currently the Vex and Osiris can do this, too) -We now know Rasputin's motives. He wants to evacuate this universe, saving humanity. This is a little different from Osiris's plan to save our universe by defeating the Darkness, or the Speaker's plan of doing nothing extraordinary besides banning the greatest minds and all of us dying.



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  • 由ninemil編輯: 5/12/2016 10:14:10 AM
    This is mostly wrong, in particular the sections about Rasputin being in contact with the Exo Stranger, and Rasputin's mandate to protect humanity. While Maya is the most likely person to have 'turned Rasputin back on,' she's certainly not allied with him, and likely only entered his bunker post-collapse, to find out what the current situation was. Pre-collapse, the Warmind's mandate was 'to win,' with increasingly less strict rules about how they went about that, depending on how bad the situation became. When the other Warminds scrubbed themselves and handed control of their facilities to Rasputin to increase their chances of fulfilling that mandate, Rasputin became self-aware of his own mortality, and that mandate was twisted from, 'to win,' into, 'to survive.' He has little concern for humanity, outside that of a craftsman's care for his tools. Rasputin sees purpose for the Guardians in fighting a ground war that he cannot, and so does what little he does for them, to help them fulfil that role. An example of this would be the roll-out of the Sleeper Stimulants. Don't forget how ruthless Rasputin can be, however. It was Rasputin that turned Earth's nuclear arsenal on the Traveller, wiping out both the invading Darkness, and the human fleet in the process, (giving birth to the Awoken.) His only concern there was his own salvation, and that's not changed at all since.



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  • Stranger: [spoiler][quote]You stand here now and now and now many times and here I am awonder, all awonder, how you manage it. How do you step forward. How do you step back. Do you step ACROSS is there a world of worlds, a web, and you a spider upon it. Are you searching for that one thread you need? Is that thread named victory? You’re not one of THEM long dead, alive again, their bodies grafted to powers they and I do not understand and not one of IT the flower eater, the queen of final shapes, that which also inhabits its petitioners and you’re certainly not MINE although once you must have been I bear an old name. It cannot be killed. Not even here.... ...teach me how to step -Rasputin 4[/quote][/spoiler] "Rasputin is not here to protect" [spoiler][quote]Rasputin is the last of the Warminds. They were the greatest defense systems ever devised, a massive network of satellites and doomsday weapons built to protect humanity[/quote][/spoiler] Also, the other Warminds didn't "scrub themselves" they were swallowed by the Darkness



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  • You're entirely wrong. Go and read the rest of the grimoire.



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  • Lot of talk for someone not linking to grimoire. You can't say "Your wrong" without saying [i]how[/i] I'm wrong. I just showed you the grimoire of Rasputin literally talking to someone that can only be assumed as the Exo Stranger. This place has a habit of just feeding off of each other's stupid theories and then building even more fake lore (mostly through the largely inaccurate Anon and Collective, which I would assume you follow one of the two). Links or it didn't happen.



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  • Yes, I can. And I'm not duplicating one-two year old threads to correct yet another new poster on #lore who feels he's got corrective authority. The search function exists for a reason. I suggest you use it. Also, feel free to actually read the grimiore before telling new posters that they're wrong. The OP's a damn sight closer to the mark than you are, lol.



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  • >idiot with a differing opinion and enough faith in it to post grimoire (me) >idiot with a differing opinion (you) Hypocrisy is the best. As far as either of us are concerned, the other is wrong and stupid. Its also a good thing to post like this because it A) sets them on a lore path with the right information or B) encourages them to seek more because it is interesting



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  • I mostly agree with your position. The point I was making was that rasputin took the exos from us, it wasn't collaborative. As far as rasputin having already found an alternate universe, I don't think he has yet. But I think he wants to start searching by jumping like the stranger does. I'm also not entirely sure he wants to take humans with him. If/when he learns to jump, I think he leaves us.



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  • Rasputin is an AI, he lives on regardless. Warminds were created for one thing: humanities survival. Also, Exo souls were from golden age people, is it really stealing?



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  • What I mean is humans created the warminds and the exos. Rasputin took control of the exos from us, even if he was doing it to protect us. And the warminds original purpose was to protect humanity. But AI can learn and a common story theme is AI turning against their masters. I think bungie is positioning rasputin to do such. I don't think he has our best interest in mind anymore.



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  • 由Qwerty編輯: 5/5/2016 12:24:43 PM
    Rasputin, and the other Warminds, are considered smarter than humans. He does not have [i]our[/i] best interests, but humanity will survive (we are the main characters, after all). The grimoire categories, Vangaurd, and Venus Scientists consider Rasputin an ally, so we should too.



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