[b][i]- An interlude for RoB and other realms, loosely tied to Warhammer 40k and several other themes.[/i][/b]
[i] Hurtling through the aether, between the currents of space and time, soars a mighty vessel of steel and flesh, a starship of vast size and unimaginable power - The Bloodwrath. This is an ancient ship of legends, with a lengthy history that has appeared throughout time over tens of thousands of centuries. It has sailed through the warp, a gateway between stars and galaxies that does not abide by the laws of physics, and is inhabited by entities of unspeakable horror including gods of madness and chaos. The inhabitants of the ship are champions from many realms. With no memory of their arrival, they are bound together for a common cause - a cause that not even they can fathom. These are the stories of these exiles.
[b]Welcome to Prison of Exiles.[/b][/i]
[b][i]For New Arrivals:[/i][/b]
[b][i]Bloodwrath Information:[/i][/b]
[b][i]Link to RoB reference:[/i][/b]
- [b][i]The Bloodwrath will now be your home, but tread lightly, for this starship has a taste for blood, and a hunger for the souls of men to fuel it's fires of war. Consider this a warning, venturing into quarantined and off limits areas could lead to an unpleasant demise. The things that dwell in the dark are beyond you, and more insidious than you could imagine.
[u]Current Happenings:[/u]
- Your memories are blank as to your arrival, but there seems to be hope. Many are reporting visions brought on by depictions of an hourglass... Perhaps searching for banners, relics, books, or other items related to the hourglass could unlock the mystery of your arrival.
The Rivers of Blood continue to flow. [/i][/b]
[b][i]All hail the King.[/i][/b] [i]Coronation day, Dornia Primaris, The Square.[/i] Today was the day. And today, nothing else was on Tulleesh's mind. The day he would surpass his father, and take his place. The day he would become King. It was a sunny day, which were rare at this time of the year. Thousands of people had come to witness the coronation, and thousands more were watching by television. He was dressed in absolutely ludicrous clothing, with a gigantic cape, hundreds of jewels, and a robe of ultimate regalty. He walked towards the throne, placed on The Square, flanked by hundreds of statues of fallen warriors. He marched stoicly towards his father, a determined look on both of their faces. As he reached him, he knelt. Without a word being said between the two of them, the king bent down to kiss his son's head. He took off his golden crown, and ceremoniously placed it on his son's head. Tulleesh stood back up, looking his father in the eyes. The two men nodded, and his father stepped aside. Tulleesh marched towards the throne, and he sat. Two ministers approached him, placing the crown Jewels in his hands. [b]"All rise!"[/b] they shouted. In front of tulleesh, the row of one thousand royal soldiers all stood at the same time, their golden armours gleaming in the sun. They raised their weapons in the air, and in one, chorous shout, they exclaimed, all together. [b][i]"ALL HAIL THE KING! ALL HAIL THE KING!"[/i][/b] His father descended the steps, and shouted too, raising his old family sword in the air. "All hail King Tulleesh the Second!" He turned around, and planted his sword into the ground. [b][i]"ALL HAIL KING TULLEESH!"[/i][/b] The guards stabbed their weapons into the earth. Tulleesh stood, leaving the Jewels in the hands of his ministers. Slowly, he approached the family Greatsword. He gently placed his hand around the sword. He measured its weight, its strength. He let it flow into him. He pulled it from the earth, and raised it towards the air. The King had come. This day marked the era of King Tulleesh the Second.
[i][b]The times, they are a' changin'[/b][/i] [i][u]Castle Tibernes, Dornia Prime. Main courtyard, Garden of Champions.[/u][/i] The courtyard had been decorated intently for this day, and this day alone. There were guests in the hundreds for this day never before seen, where a human would marry into the royal family. Monica had the honour, and responsibilities, of being the very first. The luxurious, colourful gardens were adorned with statues of a time long past, who hung decorations of the avowal ceremony. The guests were all seated around the platform, in half-circle positioned seats. At the base of the runway, Tulleesh stood. He wore a regal purple outfit, speckled with gold attachments. He was dressed beautifully, cleanly, and he smelled delightfully. He was a bit nervous, to be truthful. But, he was happy. This decision was his, and he was certain of his choice. Inside, in a prep room, Kaebius stood with his daughter. "Honey... you look so beautiful..." He had tears in his eyes. [spoiler]to cyber. Big day.[/spoiler]
由cyberattaq編輯: 3/3/2017 5:19:27 PM[spoiler]The music adds atmosphere, play it if you can, or if you want to...[/spoiler] [spoiler]For those of you have RPed with me, what follows in this post, was hard to write. For those who have not, I hope it was a good read, and I hope it was darker than the last post, yet hopeful at the same time.[/spoiler] [b][i]The End[/i][/b] It was a good day to die. A good day to end what he had started all those years ago. As he wandered through the derelict hallways, trailing his hand along the walls, he thought how fitting it was he would die here, where his first wife and child had. Ryker had long since accepted his death, no fear, or anxiety beset him. As he continued deeper into the aging husk of the vessel, formerly the U.S.S. Ishimura, he could feel the power grow. "Closer yet... closer yet..." Ryker says softly. As his feet carried him closer and closer to the door that entered the cargo bay, he reflected on his life. On everything. Jay, Nikki, Akron, Kor, Samantha, Kaebius. All these people, who had shaped him. All the major events of his life replayed in his head, the words spoken to him by his friends, now all gone. He had cheated, cheated for far to long. It was time to right that wrong, he thought, as he opens the door to the cargo bay. Inside is the Marker, the source of his power. He smiles softly, descending the iron stairs, whitewashed in blood, to the stained and aged metal floor. The Marker softly pulsed and glowed, dormant. Ryker stops before it, pulling a photo out of his pocket. He opens and studies it. It was a photo of Eleanor, Alexia and him, Alexia merely a child. His hands quake as emotion overtakes him. "My little baby... my little girl..." No, now was not the time for emotion. That time was passed, now was the time for action. Clenching the photo in his hand, Ryker plants his hand against the Marker. His lips trembled, tears falling from his eyes as his resolve breaks. He would keep going, he had to. "Eleanor, I'm coming to see you, I'm coming to see you..." He whimpers. "Samantha, I love you, so much, and no matter where I go, you will always be my sister. Continue living your happy life, and do not grieve, mine is over, but it was so great. Thank you." Ryker speaks to himself as he stands, ready to die. His thoughts went to Nikki. "Nikki.... I... I love you... you taught me that I could be dedicated to one woman, you taught me about true real love..." He chuckles sadly. "R... R.... Release." The effect was instantaneous, a sucking feeling as Ryker feels his powers drain away, and he drops to the ground, weak. Slowly he rises, looking at his hand and trembling, fearing that it didn't work. Then the tip of his middle finger began to disintegrate. Ash, his hand slowly dissolving. He smiles, laughing as he watches it. "I'm free... I'm free..." He says to himself with a broad smile. He sits against a crate, watching it eat away at his hand. There was no pain, no hurting. It was the sweet release of death. He would get to see his wife. More tears are released as he thinks about all the things he's done, all the mistakes he'd made, all the people he'd wronged, but doubly more the good things he did. "I did good Dad, didn't I? I made you proud? I guess I'll see you soon... then we can talk. Mom will be there right? I'll thank you when I see you..." He again speaks to himself as it works its way up his arm, speeding up. Not long now. "This is it... it's finally here... I never thought it'd end like this..." It was now under his neck. "I always thought it'd end in a battle, dying in combat, but I guess I deserve a peaceful death." Right under his jaw. "But in the end I wouldn't rather have a different way to go. This is the ending to my fairly tale, the end of my story, and all in all... I think it was a pretty happy ending." The disintegration consumes Ryker, finally taking his head, leaving only a pile of ashes on the ground, long since dead, only mystical powers keeping him alive. The end of someone who some loved, some hated, and some loved to hate. The end of a man considered a villain, to even more a paragon and hero. This is the end of the story of Valkyrie, of the bearer of the Marker. This is the end of the story of Ryker Evans. [spoiler]And that's it.... this was hard... I've never gotten so emotional about RP before but... I felt it was appropriate... tell me what you think I guess, but no interactions. I hope it was good.[/spoiler]
Tirus was walking alone in the Bloodwrath's halls, looking for any sign of anything daemonic or just heretical. Sure, the ship has Heresy written all over it, but he couldn't do much about the ship itself. All he could really do was look for things inside the ship, which seemed fairly empty today... [spoiler]Open to Wehbby[/spoiler]
Well guys it's been a great run the past couple of years, we've had lots of amazing moments where our stories turned into something more and I'm proud to say that I was apart of it! Perhaps one day when my schedule permits it I'll return and purge your heresy... Until then, heretics!
[i]The public atrium was a hustle and bustle of workers and stowaways performing normal human duties. All was normal on the cursed ship. Suddenly the room darkened, shadows creeping in from all sides. Cries of shock and anger began to fill the room as people's daily routine was interrupted. All fell silent as a pinprick of light appeared in the air over the market. It danced aver so slightly back and forth and all inside were held captive by its appearance. It's movements began to become erratic, the orb itself growing unstable. Humans began to back away from it, extending farther out around it in fear. They were right to do so as the orb erupted out into a greenish black vortex glowing with a sickly light. The event roused screams from everyone around and a howling emitted from inside the vortex. People began to scatter as the vortex grew in size, stumbling over each other in acts of self preservation. With lighting speed, dagger like craft shot out of the portal in the atrium. Their sleek, oily black hulls covered in sharp angles and tools of torment. They began to swoop low, delivering their contents and destroying whatever came in their path with rows of automatic weapons. The crews landed amidst the population, immediately lashing out with blades and nets. They were tall, lithe, and in armor matching the menacing ships they landed in. Screams began to fill the atrium as the attackers began to slaughter and capture everything in their path. From the portal more horrors spewed forth. Hulking abominations of flesh began to rampage out, flanked by more figures, naked from the waist up save for masks. They were armed with horrific and wicked blades and guns intent on only causing tortuous pain. The screams of civilians echoed down every corridor of the ship as a full scale invasion of the Bloodwrath had begun. The Cabal of the Eclipsed sun and the Coven of the Hex had descended upon their prey. The Dark Eldar had come to claim their prisoners, and once they do, none will be left alive.[/i] [b]So begins my attempt at a ship wide event. There are only the alliances you can muster amongst yourselves, the Dark Eldar reason with no one and nothing will satiate their desire to cause pain and capture prisoners. There is no help from the outside, Chaos cares little for their mortal servants and the corruption on the ship means the Imperium would rather blast it from the void then rescue you from inside. Repel the invaders if you can, or survive till they have had their fill of hedonistic violence. The Raiding of the Bloodwrath has begun.[/b]
Rip Bnet RP.... RoB was like the Mayan empire, it had its rise and its golden age, and like any empire, it fell. May another one rise in its place, and if it does, may it try to beat what you built Ful. (Hint: it won't) Or hey, maybe I'm just not around enough and there's a resurgence.
由Robot745編輯: 9/10/2016 2:52:44 PMThe Eightfold Path Azoth Brund stalked down the hallways of the accursed ship he now considered a prison. His mission was simple, find the tome of the sorcerer. He, despite his hatred of sorcery, needed to work with his fellow Astartes. His pay, the chance to test his might against anything this ship could muster. [i]Kill........kill[/i] Brund grunted and bashed his fist against his crested helm. [i]NO[/i] He couldn't lose it here, too many mortals around, he would draw too much attention to himself. [i]Kill...Maim...[/i] [i]NO...N-NO[/i] As the centuries passed the World Eaters came to understand when one warrior's nails began to sing, all would join the chorus. Brund, like any other Astartes was trained not to fear, but the being that was nearing sent a very human chill down his neck. [i]Kill...Maim...Burn[/i] His mind was aflame with the need to kill, and a chant he had heard once long ago. [i]KILL...Maim...Burn[/i] Brund slumped against a bulkhead wall trembling, his breathing was quickening and the white knuckle grip on his axe evident by its own shaking. He heard screaming from down the hallway, and the roar of a chainaxe. [i]KILL...MAIM...Burn[/i] A few humans were observing him, his green eyed glare landed on them. Instead of faces he saw only skulls on all of them. Good. [i]KILL...MAIM...BURN[/i] HE RUSHED FORWARD AND SMASHED HIS FIST INTO THE CHEST OF ONE OF THE HUMANS. HE FELT THE SHATTERING OF THE RIBS, GOOD. THE REST TRIED TO FLEE BUT HE SWUNG HIS AXE WIDE DECAPITATING 3. His mind was flooded with an inhuman ringing, and the sound of a chainaxe getting closer. [i]KILLMAIMBURNKILLMAIMBURNKILLMAIMBURNKILLMAIMBURNKILLMAIMBURNKILLMAIMBURN[/i] This chant was heard so long ago, the day his legion shattered, the day he entered the eye. Amidst his skulltaking and the cacophony in his brain he looked down the hallway. One lone figure stalked towards him. His armor the deepest shade of Crimson. Brass adorned every detail of his plate and skulls dangled from his waist on rattling chains. Brund's senses were beyond hyper focused. The figure's left arm was bare, to the skin. In his right hand he gripped a smoking plasma pistol, the left, a massive gore soaked chainaxe. His helm was menacing, his eyes glowing green, power emanated from his gaze like that of a predator ready to strike. It was then that the figure turned his gaze to Brund. He spoke with an accent that identified him as belonging to the ancient Terran Jermanic tribes. "Rise brother, I have need of you yet to escape this place." Azoth Brund rose and slammed his fist against his breastplate, a salute to his former captain, and new lord...Kharn the Betrayer. They both turned as they heard heavy footsteps moving towards them. Open, [b]you cannot be killed by Kharn do not worry, he is simply a plot device for my 3 characters interacting[/b] Scratch that if you antagonize him don't expect me to hold back on his factual power
由Cmdr Dornick編輯: 9/9/2016 10:59:50 PM[i]No pity! No remorse! No fear![/i] Fear itself. Death incarnate. Unstoppable. These were few words uttered by the Cultists before being blasted to oblivion. Virtus, a Black Templars Dreadnought, was in the Bloodwrath's halls, wreaking Havoc upon some helpless Heretics. His Assault Cannon utterly destroying Cultists, his Flamer charring their corpses until they were unrecognizable. Soon, they were all dead, the Dreadnought stomping away to find more things to kill. [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]
[spoiler]heu this is a Stratos ult. Can someone add me to the group? I'm sorry I would request to make it easier but i really can't find it[/spoiler]
由Robot745編輯: 9/7/2016 2:52:20 PM[i]The Depths of Hatred[/i] [i]Having gathered all he could from the slave's mind Nebamun rose, the chaos would allow him a quick escape. The Rubicae followed him as he willed a hole through the plasteel wall beside him. Moving through an alley he telepathically contacted his last living slave.[/i] "[i]Prepare my chamber, I must ruminate on today's events.[/i]" "[i]As you wish my lord.[/i]" [i]Nebamun continued through this district ignoring the stunned look of the dwellers. Just as it was in the Crusade, most in the galaxy knew the space marines as legends, Demi gods like those of the ancient Terran cultures. Some might not see nor hear of the space marines in their lifetimes. His appearance in this section of the district was like a divine message to these people. This was further evidence of the corruption of the corpse Emperor's decaying empire. The taint of chaos was kept secret by the High Lords and the Ecclisarchy, for they feared mere exposure to the idea could trigger insurrection. The fact these citizens began to chant hyms to the Emperor whilst touching him and his Rubicae despite their standing with the imperium only confirmed his theories. It disgusted him. Quickly back-handing a rather pious man the crowd gasped and retreated from him. He shouted at them.[/i] "You grovel before me, asking for the grace of the Emperor as if I am some divine angel of his majesty. You know nothing. You serve a rotting corpse laid low ten thousand years ago by my brothers who recognized the Imperium for what it was. We fought to bring world's to heel only to be betrayed by our own and censured whilst trying to prevent the catastrophe of a galaxy you live in now. This Imperium is but a hollow shell of its former glory, a shell I am most certainly willing to shatter beneath my armored boot and grind to dust in the name of vengeance!" [i]At this the crowd began to run and a few sobbed before him, he scowled beneath his helm and, pushing past the humans, continued forward. It was then a powerful psychic presence attracted his notice, it was coming towards him. Raising his bolt pistol he aimed where he knew the thing would appear and, much to his surprise, a small hooded creature bounded up to him. It's form was unidentifiable beneath the robes yet Nebamun noted two shapes, one most obviously a pistol, the other he knew to be a tome. The creature stopped before him and giggled slightly as it pulled from beneath its robes the lost grimoire. Nebamun in a heartbeat went to grab it but to his shock a plasma pistol was already aimed into his chest.[/i] "Ah not so fast Thousand Son, there is still work to be done." "I would tear that tome from your corpse creature, what hope do you have to hide it from my wrath?" [i]The creature cackled to itself as it put the grimoire back into its cloak.[/i] "You see, he hee, a predator stalks thee. One made of faith and duty, not of bestial cruelty... Help me in my quest, and from my possession this tome you will wrest." [i]Nebamun paused, realizing the creature was immune to his powers, and at the mercy of the pistol in his abdomen, he relented.[/i] "What would you have me do?" [i]The creature cackled again[/i]
[i]The Limits to a Well Laid Plan[/i] [i]Falk stared through the scope of his Exitus rifle...just as he had been for 2 Terran weeks. He was unmoving, except for his left hand, which thumbed a large silver bullet back and forth. The rooftop in the plaza gave him the full breadth of the area, no escape route was beyond his sight, no hiding place safe. His target would show soon, he had made sure of it. The grimoire on the cement next to him would draw the target out. All was in place. What happened next was beyond the scope of what Falk had prepared for. The target emerged from a bulkhead 200 meters away. Falk snapped to attention and loaded the bullet into his weapon. He trailed the target to a less populated location, and as the sorcerer made his way to a warehouse, Falk brought his body to an almost standstill. As he touched his finger to the trigger, the sorcerer turned and looked right at the scope, right at Falk. He pulled the trigger but nothing happened, his brow furrowed and he ran diagnostics through his spy mask. Too late he realized, a being was behind him. The small hooded creature shoot at him with incredible speed, his inattention no hindrance to his enhanced reflexes. He met the creature's pounce and grabbed what he assumed was the creature's neck, reversing its momentum, and flinging it from the rooftop. He paid it's howl no mind as he quickly aimed back at his target, who was no longer there. Falk cursed as he slumped back onto a pile of debris. He wondered if the Sorcerer had known he was looking at his assassin and summoned the creature to this position, or was it fate that a filth crawling scum would deny the Officio their mark, it mattered not. He rose and slung the weapon over his shoulder and drew his cloak around him, this position was now compromised. He knelt down to grab the grimoire and to his fury, it was gone. The creature. He raced to the edge he had catapulted it off of and looked down only to find no body, no evidence it was even there. With no way to contact his superiors, and time running short, Falk scaled down the building and began to briskly walk to his second position.[/i] Open
由Xeno編輯: 9/6/2016 9:19:20 PM[i]"Why in The Emperor's Name would a Grey Knight be in Deathwatch?..."[/i] ~ Imperial Guard, noting this before a battle against Ork forces along side Domicious. Domicious awoke, jolting up with a gasp. His muddled green eyes darted from left to right, observing his surroundings. Shadows danced behind him, their casters in front of him, their backs turned. Domicious's helmet was off, his white hair fell down to his shoulders and his beard was unkept. The commotion coming from the Astartes made two of the five figures turn. They were all huddled around a large metal can, with a fire lit inside. They held out their hands as if waiting for a gift from the flame. And they got their gift. Warmth. It was cold, cold enough to make a non-Astartes want warmth intensely. Domicious got up with a grunt, causing the others to turn towards him. He stood to his full height, dwarfing the five men before him. Each of them looked very tired, with either shaven heads or a wild mop of hair, tangled like a rat's nest. "You ok there, Grey Knight?" The middle one spoke up, concern and curiosity equally peppered on his words. "I do not know. Where am I?" "Wish I knew, sir. We all woke up with no memory of how we got here. You were an unlucky one, a few junkies were picking at your body." "You have my gratitude. Please, call me Domicious." "A mighty name for a mighty warrior. Say, you're one of them Deathwatch fellas, right?" "Indeed, I was seconded into the Ordos Xenos." Domicious nodded, knowing exactly the coming question. "Why did you get into Deathwatch? Isn't it your Chapter's deal hunting Daemons?" "Indeed, the Grey Knights are tasked with the hunting of Daemonic threats. But, after you've slain enough, it begins to get monotonous. They say the same things, have the same strategies. I've already beaten them before a single shot was fired. So, my luck turned around, and my valor got me into Deathwatch. Fortunately, there is a lot more variety when I comes to Aliens. Orks, Tyranids, Necrons... Each battle challenged me more than my previous Chapter ever could. I enjoy a challenge." He looked to his helmet. "But I am afraid I must depart. I am sorry I did not get to share more, but I have a terrible felling about this place. "'Course. We understand." Domicious nodded. "Thank you." He grabbed his helmet and fitted it onto his head. A sound not unlike a gate closing was heard, as ancient symbols and writing glowed a heavenly yellow, and revealed the true prestige of his armor. He wore a full Aegis set, painted Watchmen Black, along with a Crusader Helm with glowing red lenses. His armor seemed to take components from a Mark VIII Set. His left arm was silver and gold, bearing the mark and design of a Champion of Deathwatch. His right arm held his Chapter's Mark with pride, and so did Domicious. Domicious then set off onto his trek into the Bloodwrath, his mind protected from the Warp and what horrors lay within, but his body as vulnerable as it ever was... [spoiler]Open to Indy and Wehb. The order of replies will be Indy, Wehb, then me. [/spoiler] ________________________________________________ A foul stench met the noses of all patrons in the underground bar. It was unbearable. Their eyes watered and their throats became scratchy. Suddenly, a burst of muffled and deep laughter emerged from behind the entrance door. The body of a man was thrown through, the door splintering as if it was feeble glass. The horrid sensation and stench intensified, as the patrons soon began collapsing into a coughing fit. The laughter was heard once more, as in stepped a hulking figure. A Plague Marine, his armor Green-Grey and corrupted by Nurgle's embrace. He held a gnarled Power Sword in one hand, glowing with a malefic green, and a Diseased Bolter in his other hand, flies swarming around it. The people who could comprehend what was happening through coughing affliction were filled with fear, as they tried to crawl away. The Plague Marine's helmet, reminiscent of a gas mask, bobbed up and down as he laughed. "This is gonna be fun..." His voice was deep and ragged, like sandpaper grinding on sandpaper. He unclipped a Blight Grenade from his waist and threw it over the counter, the explosion killing the bartender and destroying all of the drinks behind him. He the began to go to town, firing his Bolter at non-lethal spots, making their deaths as painful as possible. He grabbed one man by the head, his jagged fingers making the man's flesh rot and his hair fall out. He stared at the man with a cockeyed head. "Don't worry. Papa Nurgle's gonna treat ya right after I gut ya like a damn fish!" The Plague Marine laughed, as he stuck his Power Sword into the man's stomach and began to jerk it from side to side. The man screamed in pain and protest, blood spraying like a fountain from his stomach and his intestines spilling to the floor. The Plague Marine's armor now had splotches of red, as he chuckled. He grabbed a now unrecognizable corpse and sat on a stool, ripping its head off and beginning to fashion the skull into a Blight Grenade. The corpses, now being eaten by flies and parasites, were sure enough to attract attention when they were alive... [spoiler]Open to all.[/spoiler]
由Robot745編輯: 9/5/2016 8:32:30 PM[i]Predators[/i] [i]Alanzo Falk sat upright, disorientation lasting only a moment. A message played on loop on the display in his spy mask...slay the traitor. He blinked the message away and surveyed his surroundings. Buried under a pile of trash he had gone unnoticed for the unknown amount of time he was unconscious. The wide expanse of the ramshackle hive greeted him wherever he turned. He rose and looked down for his rifle, the holy weapon lay next to him, he bent down and grabbed it, slinging it over one shoulder. Realizing his very obvious garb did not allow for the covert duties required of this stage of the mission, he grabbed a filth soaked cloth nearby and hooded himself. Starting off towards the living quarters Falk began to process his surroundings and noting areas in which to set up perches. This mission allowed no room for failure. [/i]
由Robot745編輯: 9/4/2016 1:32:18 AM[i]The Chill of Night[/i] [i]Shadows danced across the bulkhead as three massive shapes stood behind the wall of fire. The unfortunate psyker trapped in a corner by the ring of fire was an imperial sanctioned adept. He had defected himself in fear.[/i] "Please lord!...I do not know where he ran off to!" [i]The man shrieked and cried as he knew the sorcerer wouldn't hesitate to kill him.[/i] [i]A calm, albeit vox distorted, voice answered back[/i] "I see past your feeble defenses Dubek, I know you know his location." [i]The fire inched closer and Dubek shrieked louder.[/i] "HE RAN TO THE LIVING HOLD, HES IN THE HIVE PLEASE!" [i]The fire licked Dubek's feet and then ceased. The sorcerer stepped through the smoke and grabbed Dubek by the throat. He lifted the man close to his helmet whispering.[/i] "Lie to me again slave, and I will harm you in more ways then you can dream off." [i]He reached out with his other hand, grabbing Dubek's, and broke 3 of his fingers. Dubek howled as the Thousand Son dropped him. Motioning to his two Rubicae he set off down the dark hallway with them in tow. The minor hive city within the ship's bowls was home to many things Nebamun wished to avoid, but his other slave had stollen his grimoire amongst others. Nebamun flexed his left hand, his tendons still stiff since that fateful day on Prospero ten thousand years ago. It did not hinder his abilities whatsoever, but was a constant reminder of failure, hate, betrayal, and most of all...hubris. Hours later the bulked opened and the three Astartes moved into the under hive. Nebamun ignored the stunned look of the newer filth that lived here, they would learn in time. He moved into the central plaza, shielding his mind with the greatest of wards while also searching for his wayward slave's psychic trail.[/i] Open
由Cmdr Dornick編輯: 9/3/2016 11:14:57 PM[u]Bloodwrath, General Quarters, Time Unknown.[/u] A loud stomping was heard throughout the area of the General Quarters nearest to the entrance. Some might of thought it someone in a bulky suit of power armor, others maybe a machine, both theories were partially right yet both were wrong. The hulking black mass of a Black Templars Dreadnought came in through the entrance, a little Ribbon shaped design with the word "Virtus" in black text on the sarcophagus. The mighty Dreadnought spoke with a loud, confident, yet weary voice, "I HAVE COME IN SEARCH OF MY BATTLE BROTHERS." It said. [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]
由DGC LemanRuss編輯: 9/6/2016 4:42:11 AM[b]Tobias: First Strike[/b] [i]"It's time." Inquisitor Tobias stood upon a defense tower overlooking the supply road ran the length of the ships spine. It resembled more of a military highway, security towers, checkpoints, chokepoints, overlapping feild of fire. A work of genius to have been conceived let alone build, a perfect union of defense and engineering demands. At his command a series of missiles streaked though the air towards another tower. Pinpricks of light flared and extinguished as debris flew from the explosions before the tower's automated loader had an ignition on its conveyor. The secondary explosions finished the tower as it was rocked from its foundation from the inside and crumpled like an empty can of recaf. In the wake of its destruction Gaurdsmen rushed from their hideouts armed and ready to fight. The Battle of the Spine had begun.[/i] Closed
[i]"Men and women aboard the Bloodwrath. Hear me now and know that this is true. You have failed the Emperor and his teachings. Each passing moment left inactive against the Great Enemy is an affront to His holy name and works. You all have been corrupted in mind and soul. You follow a leader that males deals with Terra's greatest enemy since Horus and yet you still sit in simple adoration. You have failed and will never be granted asylum by any Imperial World as long as you live. I give you a simple chance of redemption. Join me, take up arms against the evils that have held you still and strike against the Great Enemy. For this is the very tenant of the Imperial Creed. Suffer not the Heretic. Those who do not join us in our righteousness of purpose have indeed fallen from the Imperial Truth and cannot be saved by mortal hands. Instead we shall offer the unrighteous as an offering to the true God of man so that he may sort the blessed from the damned. We strike soon."[/i] The man leans over the cognator and taps a series of commands sending the recording to be played on loops across the imperial sections of the ship. The body of an attendant lay across the floor with the sign of the Aquila brutally carved across his chest. The man simply leaves as he completes his work his golden armor shining in the dim glow of the transmission room in stark contrast to the twin bloodied chainswords across his back. [spoiler]We fight tommarow at dawn.[/spoiler]
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由mannagement編輯: 8/28/2016 1:17:34 AM[b][url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-RQG-AAWNfS1NjWOEQLi8PEewItjPeSuX5yV0u5gWIc/edit?usp=sharing]Manan Gén't[/url][/b] [b][i]A wormhole opens in the space around the gargantuan ship. From this wormhole bursts Ukulele, a modified starfighter. Manan is in this ship, doing his best to not crash into the massive ship in front of him. Pulling up, he barely misses the ship, instead slowing down. He "lands" the hovering ship. Jumping from it, he pulls off his helmet and vomits on the ground of the hangar.[/i][/b] "Last time I kick a jedi in the balls..." [b][i]He mumbles, getting back to his ship and putting his helmet.[/i][/b] "Where am I...?"
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