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Awesome update and well done. Hopefully if Marty reads this he will know how much we love his work. Bring on a physical release of the spheres.
由linkdude64編輯: 3/20/2016 2:32:40 AMI came here for the first time in many months to post about Marty's new audio project and WOW, I [i]never[/i] would have expected to see THIS! You are a True Fan, an amazing editor, all the praise in the world doesn't say enough about the generosity of your public service, etc., etc., blah blhablah SUPER glad that Marty noticed all of your effort - you certainly deserve the recognition. I was lucky enough to meet him once and he was an incredibly down-to-Earth individual, and I'm happy that he's not let all of the BS at Bungie screw that part of him up. EXCELLENT WORK! Edit: Also a bit curious, is there any particular reason for the "audio quality" of this release? Exporting individual tracks from sections of the straight 320kbps mp3 rip you've created, even at VBR quality 9, shows that not even 128kbps is being reached. I'm not one of the FLAC Placebophiles when it comes to audio, but was there a reason for this? With many very detailed sections capping at 98kbps I think I do notice some washing-out in terms of separation of the individual instruments. Is the Youtube Extraction the bottleneck here? Entirely just curious, and don't mean to in ANY way denounce this amazing work you've created and rightfully deserve complete recognition for. I've listened to this several times already and will do so for many many years. Can't thank you enough for this.
F u c k Harold Ryan. Bungle totally lost it with the bull shit they pulled with Marty. With management like that, it's no wonder the game is such a mess.
Actually I believe this plays in the background for the Destiny (original, not HoW or TTK) home screen on PS4
You're a -blam!-ing hero man. It's criminal that Bungie tied up Music of the Spheres in the fallout from Marty's dismissal. This music is everything the game should've been. Also, because I love him, Marty is running a KickStarter for a new project. Check it out. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/135470902/echoes-of-the-first-dreamer
I'm so glad everyone is responding well to this. Let us not be content however. As Bungie continues to refrain from releasing Music of the Spheres, we must never forget the tragedy that is this situation. #NeverForgetMotS
God. This music. It reminds me why I play and enjoy this game. It may not be what we got in the final version, buts it's still our Destiny
If anyone here plays on Xbox One, feel free to add me and we'll play whatever! GT = xThe Atari Kidx
由bfett9編輯: 3/10/2016 3:18:04 PMYou are amazing thanks a million for all of your epic work on this I can't wait to take a listen! Thanks again! Curious though is the cut that you have locked at 128 Kbps? Just wondering.