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由Spawn編輯: 3/20/2013 2:47:22 AM

Marty O Donnell you sly guy.

Now most of us know that Marty The Elder has been working on Destiny's score for quite sometime with Paul McCartney, we found this information out on Bungie Day 2012. However, I was doing some recent reminiscing and I found that Marty, of all people actually teased this way back in 2011 on his ride along with TMA. [url=]Click the link above or click here[/url] for the article. In there a question from the quick FAQ section reads: [quote][b]Doodlebox[/b]: [i]If you could work with any contemporary composer for a game's soundtrack, who would you want to work with?[/i] [b]Marty[/b]: [i]More on this to come.[/i][/quote] This was published many months before Bungie Day 2012. Marty, you sly guy. Just pointing out a simple observation. I'm sure there are more things hidden from recent events (Pentathlon?). Nonetheless, curious indeed. Carry on Seventh Column.



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