Following up on my post last week about Xbox One compatible external drives, boxing day up here in Canada has a bunch of good deals on them. Keep in mind that prices in Canada are often considerably higher than in the US.
Below are the best sub-100$ deals I've found (I don't want to spend more than $100), which one should I get? I've heard that Western Digital is more reliable than Seagate, but I've also heard the opposite... which is true?
$69.99 - 1 TB Western Digital My Passport Ultra USB 3.0
$79.99 - 1.5 TB Seagate Backup Plus Slim USB 3.0
$89.99 - 2 TB Seagate Backup Plus Slim USB 3.0
$99.99 - 2 TB Western Digital My Passport Ultra USB 3.0
Note: prices do not include tax (13%)
Western digital is a better brand, but obviously you'll be paying a bit more on average for them. Seagatecis fine, just more likely to fail according to many people. But for gaming purposes you should be fine with it. Also look into Toshiba hard drives if possible. Very reliable, smaller, and can usually find great deals on some of their models.
I have been hearing bad reviews about Seagate. Mostly from my brother who is a tech savvy in the military. He has been telling me that Seagate gas been unreliable for him the few times he has gotten one.
I have the 2tb Seagate. Heard rumors about failures, but it's been great for over a year. I delete, reinstall, move from external to internal, and never a problem. Happy "Boxing" day?!?
由Neilius Maximus編輯: 12/25/2015 11:39:54 PM
Im from canada aswell, considering getting one of these, since the 500gigs went pretty quick. is it as simple as inserting into the usb drive, and just start using it ?