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由TheSkellyfish編輯: 12/20/2015 12:53:49 PM

Future Destiny Cinematic "script"

Long story short, i dont have a computer and only my phone right now but ive been wanting to post this here and at reddit. Also i dont know if this falls under user creation submission but enjoy! The following is a fan made script for the potential cabal raid inclusion cinematic written by me! --------------------- Night. A stary sky sits above large, black clouds. They seem to stretch on forever. A single guardian ship flies just above them in the distance. LORD SHAXX (offscreen) "How many have you saved guardian? You've managed to push back a little bit of the darkness. So tell me, how many do you think you've saved?" More ships begin to join the first, dropping out of orbit to skim the clouds. "You've impressed us all. With your skills youve managed to show the people a small amount of light." Out of the first ship, a figure begins falling towards the clouds. "We know what you've already done. But you will need to do more." The camera zooms in on the falling figure. It is a titan. "You've shown the Vex that time is their enemy. You've broken the fallen. You've killed Gods." The titan leans forward, now diving towards the clouds. The figures in the distance follow. "By that admition...that would make you Gods yourselves." The titans fists clench and he is surrounded by lightning. He smashes a wide hole in the clouds, continuing his strike towards the ground. We see now that the clouds are created by cabal war machines surrounded by thousands of troops. The titan slams into the bulk of them, sending hundreds flying. It has mad a small dent in the overall force. Those cabal closest to the titan ready their weapons. "Do you feel like a God Guardian?" The titan stands in a crater of his creation. He readys a rifle strapped to his back. "THEN START ACTING LIKE ONE" Suddenly more holes open in the clouds and guardians of all classes, launching all manner of supers, begin falling towards the cabal in attack! END. TITLE SCREEN. ------ Let me know what you thought in the comments :) I also posted this in community creations because i wasnt sure where it should go.



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