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原先發佈於:The Ashen Conflux
由Ruin Tree編輯: 12/11/2015 1:31:12 AM

The Exo Stranger: Lore Post P2

[url=]Part 1[/url] Hi all forum goers, Tree here with another Theory on Destiny lore. Today I'm posting for the banned Jcaf who usually posts under #CafLore, which I am putting this post in. This is all written by Jcaf8 As you can see this card is the newly released Ghost Fragment: Exo Stranger 2 card. Each blurb is an excerpt of her thoughts on something that just happened that she was spectating. Each has a record time and something called the bridge. As you can see each bridge has independent recording for each, for example Bridge 1.2 being in record 473 and Bridge 2.1 being on record 472. Now there was a very good theory in the lore world going around that the Stranger's cinematic in which she seems to teleport or go invisible isn't what it looks like. It's not that she's traveling to a Where, it's she's traveling to a When. Yes you might now be thinking: "Time travel???" But what I'm actually getting at is a bit different but along that line. She's not just time traveling, she's traveling another timeline, or multiverse. If you don't know what a multiverse is, there are many scientific theories on it on the Internet so if you want to look it up quick you can. You could also read the next paragraph for another explanation. [spoiler]The multiverse theory, or at least the basic nature of it in theoretical physics is that IRL our universe is one of many. The big thing about it that relates back to Destiny is that each universe is the same spacetime, with the same stuff inside it, but with an event at one point in its history being different to another multiverse. For example, let's say there are 3 multiverses of our unknown universe, and let's call our universe with these 3 different multiverses "universe alpha". Let's call our normal life timeline timeline A, a multiverse in which humans never evolved universe B, and a universe in which the dinosaurs never went extinct universe C. All of these universes are related since they all exist in the same dimensions, and the only difference is that one point in time was altered in some way, whether small or massive. If multiverses did exist they would be scaled depending on how similar it is to ours, from no notable difference to one divergent of ours.[/spoiler] [url=]Part 3[/url]
#Destiny #CafLore



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