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由awesome elf 101編輯: 12/10/2015 9:53:38 PM

Ok... Ok... this is hilarious. Players Assemble.

The Record Book Items are given out for free and Bungie instantly patches it to ensure they don't lose a penny. A glitch in the raid however takes weeks even months to get a fix. Thanks Bungie, you only care about money.



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  • You can't compare those two glitches moron. This community cries about things they don't even know about. Thank you bungie for fixing this issue so quickly, and sorry these forums are full of idiots



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    • Some issues like the infinite bow glitch were buried deep in the code, but this could have been a very superficial mistake



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    • lol, your ignorance is impressive. Because they fix something with a mechanic that is already implemented in the game (locking out non purchased stuff from equipping even if it is in your inventory) and not something that is not (a glitch in a raid/super/strike/etc) that requires a lot of time to find and even more to test a fix to make sure it doesn't break anything else.... yeah that means they only care about money.



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      • 由EARWAK3R編輯: 12/10/2015 5:35:53 AM
        No, this is hilarious: "Bungie, i just dropped $10 on silver and now your bugged out record book is giving out free shit! This needs a fix asap! This is our hard earned money were talking about and scrubs are getting it all free, fix or refund!!! " Fixed in under 24 hrs "Wtf bungie, bungie fixed that so fast because of money, is that all you care about bungie, money? why the fk did it get fixed so fast? " #ForumLogic



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        • 99 bugs of code to patch. 99 bugs of code. Take 1 down, patch it around, 117 bugs of code to patch. [spoiler]please get some perspective [/spoiler]



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          • 由Lupinskey編輯: 12/10/2015 7:55:34 PM
            I'll state this as I have elsewhere for ignorant idiots like you, the real reason that was patched so quickly was because it could have turned into a legal issue, every exploiter technically stole. If you exploited, you committed a cyber crime. Oryx isn't/wasn't a possible legal issue. Further more, when you are selling things to people for money of course you are going to stop the thieves. You are a -blam!-ing idiot on a whole other level if you seriously are mad at bungie for stopping thievery.



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            • Nothing has been as important as this. It would be the equivalent of letting players play Crota's End without owning TDB. If they didn't hurry to fix this it would have not only been devastating to Bungie's profits but also it would mean that those who actually bought it would have thrown away their money.



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            • I came here expecting a video



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            • Please explain to me how easy it is to change coding in a raid? They fix one code of error then another appears and they have to make sure they are snug together. With the Silver thing, its funny you all bitch and complain because they don't want people CHEATING and EXPLOITING the fact they could have gotten the shit free. Yea, you're the dumbass. If people would stop complaining and bout shit, weapons for example, then the game would be 10x better. But since PvP side of shit complains a shit-blam!- amount, they try to make them happy and screw over the PvE side. Just give it up, they don't care if you can't get what you want to get for free.



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            • Gameplay issues vs menu issues. Which one is more complex?



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              • I came I here expecting another cool video like the backstreet boys vid. Disappointed



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                • You have the buy the book Since you are getting those paid items for free, that is technically stealing.



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                • Uproar!!! Sacrifice Deej to the pvp gods!!! Cosmos head on a spike!!! Wait idgaf



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                • 由Holiday_Armadilo編輯: 12/10/2015 5:59:18 PM
                  Ha ha, I love listening to people defend this with oh you don't know how hard coding is and what not. While that may be true the fact is that this is not the first time this has happened. Time after time they constantly "fix" things that aren't a problem or benifit players while ignoring the glaring issues. Prime example I am sure coding the decrease in drop rates for strange coins, ect, and the infamous weapons part fiasco and subsequent "fix" took some effort. Why waste any time with this crap when there are so many glaring issues and glitches that need fixing. Please explain that one to me.



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                  • Fresh on the heels of 2.1.0, we are fixing some issues that had a negative impact on the items in your inventories. Items •Fixed an issue where Exotic Leg Engrams did not decrypt into any items. •Fixed an issue where copies of "The Climb" FWC Ship was incorrectly providing Reputation. ◦This has been temporarily disabled on the Ship Collection kiosk and will be fixed in a future update. •Fixed an issue where the SRL Record Book, Vol. 1 items did not require the player to own the Record Book in order to acquire them. ◦Record Book items will not be deleted from players' inventories, but will now require ownership of the SRL Record Book in order to equip the items. ◦Any progress already made towards the Record Book will be saved. ◦Warning: Record Book gear can only be acquired once. We are working on a future fix to allow players to attain additional instances in case of accidental deletion. Here is the Cliff's Notes version: "Fresh on the heels of 2.1.0., we 'fixed' some 'issues' that WE had with items in your inventories. 1). We fixed the disappearing boot engram issue. Details are not important. 2). We fixed "The Climb" by using our tried and true method of just removing it until we deem it necessary to "fix" it. Since this issue does NOT involve our capacity to earn money, this "fix" could take a while. 3). Fixed the most glaring issue, our latest cash cow SRL Record Book. Such a game-breaking glitch could not go unrepaired, therefore we expended all of our resources to quickly remedy this horrific game-breaking glitch. We at Bungie understand that players have numerous other minor glitches YOU think we should address. Please know we hear you, but given our limited "live team" resources we have to prioritize our glitch repairs. We knew you would want us to fix this egregious record book glitch first as it has the greatest impact to your gameplay. Rest assured, we are still investigating the myriad of other minor glitches. Those glitches that hinder our ability to "earn" your cash and those glitches that benefit players in any way will always be our first priority. We at Bungie would NEVER think of limiting the grind you all know and love. The BEST way you can help us is by BUYING MORE SILVER!



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                  • It's like year 1 was just bait. Preying on gamers with addictive personalities. So wrong bungie.... What ever happened to good old gaming. Everything now days is just a money grab :( I know it's a business but if it wasn't for us gamers they wouldn't be in business.



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                  • As a Activision shareholder and huge fan I am glad that are a financially successful corporation.



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                  • 1. It's not fair to the people that bought the book. 2. Coding to fix massive bugs like the quiver one takes time where as this code is a lot less. 3. How much coding do you really do or even know about?



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                    • 由Raza582編輯: 12/10/2015 10:28:22 AM
                      There is a difference between business profit and greed. Bungie just proved they are greedy with this and every decision they have made before hand.



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                      • Out of curiosity, What is your background in coding? Do you know what it takes to fix glitches? Are they all as easy to fix as one another? Educate us, please.



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                        6 回覆
                        • 14
                          They fixed the leg engram glitch too. Or did your confirmation bias cause you to ignore that?



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                          • ROLLIN THROUGH THE HOOD LIKE A MAGIKARP



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                            • 由Red Skyward編輯: 12/10/2015 8:22:46 PM
                              I think the reason they patched it is because players were complaining that they were losing their money. Now they fixed it and then people complain "Lol Bungie is so money hungry". Some people in this community or so fu[b]c[/b]king dumb. They ask for one thing, then Bungie fixes it and they bitch about it



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                              8 回覆
                              • 由Clay COCKWIDTH編輯: 12/10/2015 6:00:07 PM
                                Desticles................slowly creeping out to defend their precious. Is it NEVER ok to criticize a game that we all clearly enjoy but want to see made better? No, of course not! "git gud skrub, just leave" "if you knew anything about programming"- anonymous guy who always shows up in thread but has highschool level programming knowledge and a low paying job. Let me tell you from the IT guys i've met and the programmers i personally know. One being a lead at treyarch(my cousin): This is not rocket science. It's not THAT complicated. My job is far more complex and challenging. I'm an engineer. I troubleshoot electronics. If i had to make excuses ALL the time and tell a customer: well you're R/F room will only do this but not that. I'll get around to it. My job is SO complex and difficult". yea, if i said that i would not have the job that i do. So desticle-up, adapt, git gud, toxic, entitled insert buzzwords and yadayadayada. At the end of the day shit that helps the player gets patched post haste, shit that hurts us and hinders our experience with the product we purchased(borrowed license, happy desticle?) then it's on the back burner. Time for some folks in upper management to be let go or pushed harder. I don't care that it takes 8 hours to load an environment or whatever, THEY built the tool. The tool is inadequate. I'm the end user, this is not of my concern. The product is my concern *I WILL say, it IS a game. Just that, a game. It's not that big of a deal what they do. Life is full of plenty of great things and real life challenges and skills to learn. This irks me cause it's got so much potential but with the leadership at Bungie they are their own worst enemy. I'm just ranting..... take it for what it's worth, letters in a box on the interwebs



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                                1 回覆
                                • And people call fans sheep. Look at this! 43 likes because he said something about Bungie only caring about money, when there are countless reasonable explanations in the replies. Then again, this forum is just one huge circlejerk of hate.



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                                  2 回覆
                                  • How long was it until Thorn was nerfed again? Oh yeah that's right Bungie.



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