Don't forget Osiris in the plan. Theres a line of reasoning to prove the soft-spoken man that was too bright to stare at in Queen 2 is him, but on to the point.
Eris wanted to stop the Hive, her part is done
The Queen, and by extension the Awoken, have transcedant knowledge of sorts and are there to play their part. The Awoken are done, and according to Eris the key lies in the Guardians.
Osiris, however, still has a part to play. I'm pretty sure I already talked to you about this and I have a pre-TTK thread on it and yayayaya Osiris sees the patterns and what lies beyond the veil (based on Quantum Mechanics Many-Worlds interpretation of how every choice creates a seperate universe both as real and valid as ours blah blah blah). The whole point is that when Osiris was dabbling in thanonautics and ahamkaras and what not he had tried to meet with the Nine. He found revelations about how they are weak when touching our world and that the problem was when he attempted it.
Flash foward to entering the Vex Network, becoming obssessed like the Vex are with patterns (Praedyth talks more about the Vex's pattern obssession in the Paradox daily) and such. Osiris predicted Skolas, implemented the Trials to make sure we were ready for Oryx, and planned every key event so that, eventually, we can get to the right sequence of events (which will include the Nine in our world at some point).
You are totally right about Osiris being the other person in Ghost Fragment: The Queen 2. I always read that card like it was the Prince and always got confused why he would say thank you for the invite.
Yea. I forget what it was, but something came out after I posted that furthur confirmed it.
The real question is [i]what[/i] the events are that will lead us to making the Nine "touch our world"
We know they are associated with Jupiter, some believe them to draw from Zeus' (Jupiter's) Council of Nine, and are likely the eyes that the Dream of Alpha Lupi grimoire on Jupiter was talking about. But [i]what[/i] are they and [i]why[/i] are they so important is what I want to know now. Osiris is how we get that information- likely found in Destiny 2 which was delayed until next year, which operates under the working title of "Shattered Suns" (TTK was "the Dark Plague")