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由EggenOG編輯: 12/5/2015 4:43:29 AM

The next vex DLC.

Alright before we go, this is not confirmed this is just my idea of what the DLC will be. It would be cool if this was added in too... Also include thoughts/opinions and how you feel about it. DLC: The Vex Void Price: 20$ :( Required light level to start: 280 Let's begin [b]Opening cutscene[/b] [spoiler]A giant sparkly - white Minotaur fades in to existence in the vault on Venus. It sputters, shivers, and collapses into the ground, trying to get something to the Minotaur on the other side of the area. He whispers, "Do not let me down" as he removes his core, screaming hysterically. He then throws the core to the Minotaur and fades out of existence. The Minotaur looks down at the core, and the camera gets a third person look at the minotaur's face. The screen fades to black.[/spoiler] [b]Opening cutscene explained[/b] The sparkly white Minotaur is the main boss. He was dying because you wounded, even killed him. In the raid, [b](there will be one)i][/b] you killed him. But as he died, he teleported back in time, highly wounded about to fade... And he threw his core to the Minotaur. His core can corrupt other Vex, and make them have the super powerful energy he had. [b]The Minotaur it threw the core to was itself. [/b] So, if we are using our spinmetal hats properly, he went back in time to seal his fate so that him could go back in time when he died to affect the other him. If we get 20+ replies I will edit and include the story of the first mission.
#Destiny #dlcidea



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