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11/26/2015 2:14:10 AM

Refer-A-Friend - A Tale of Two Guardians

Hey everyone I'm here today because I'm infuriated by bungie and their broken game ONCE AGAIN, go figure. So I linked with a veteran player yesterday and I was given the message "You have yet to purchase and play Destiny: The Taken King. Once you have completed the necessary steps, you will be Linked Friends.", I shrugged it off as I figured I may need to hit level 40 first to start the quest. I hit level 40 an hour ago and waited to see if it would activate, I was let down to find that I still have the notification message "You have yet to purchase and play Destiny: The Taken King. Once you have completed the necessary steps, you will be Linked Friends." on the Refer-A-Friend page. Bungie... really? I leveled up to level 40 on a game I don't want to play so my friend could get goodies out of this refer a friend program, not so I could come back to a second year of being dicked around. this is bullshit and I expect to see this quest become available for me and my veteran asap. To everyone else looking to do this junk I would advise not to because playing this game period is a waste of time when bungie is always bound to mess things up.



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  • [quote]Is there any new players out there if so I would like to help you. I am a year one vet looking for any "kinderguardians" to have fun and help out[/quote] ya I foget to say I'm on an Xbox one



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