My max on bench is 175. With dumbells for a set of 8 i do 75s. Not bad for being 16 years old and only 123 pounds. Im lean, but not big[spoiler]which sucks. tips on how to get big anyone?[/spoiler]
Take your bodyweight and multiply it by 20. Eat that much everyday. Clean eating is important, but if you're a skinny dude, honestly -blam!- it. I graduated high school at 6'1 130 lbs. Started lifting, ate like 3 pop tarts a day, shit loads of peanut butter... stayed lean the entire time. Skinny guys can get away with it. Especially if you're still a young buck.
Eat lots. 1 gram protein per pound of lean body mass. Eat at least 5 times a day. Plenty of brown carbs on training days. And make sure you massage your muscles and stretch plenty to promote muscle growth. Get a foam roller.
Eating right is much harder than lifting. A friend of mine said it quite well, "if you eat like a normal person you'll always look like a normal person. To be a monster you have to eat like one". YouTube and Internet forums will help you a lot.