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由Stratos編輯: 10/29/2015 7:12:35 PM

Combat Challenge: SIEGE

You have been tasked with destroying Stratos Collective military installations throughout Terra. Devise cunning strategies to overcome the Intensive defense network accompanying each base. There are three targets, presented to you in ascending difficulty and scale. You will analyze the data received from your commissioner and then proceed from there. INFORMATION IS KEY. SCOUTS WILL BE YOUR BEST FRIEND [url=]CHALLENGE ONE:[/url] [b][u][i]DISCLAIMER:[/i][/u][/b] This is a [i]Challenge.[/i] Don't expect to be able to achieve a two comment victory. If I see comments like [quote] *Shoots at soldiers* *All the soldiers die* I won [/quote] You won't go onto the next stage and won't get your rank. Also not all enemies will die simply from your technology alone, they are too stronk. you'll need to find ways to overcome them with wit. This is a test of combat effectiveness in a time constraint. The objective here is to evaluate your ability to face an unknown, superior foe, analyze the data given to you and find a way to over power them in a (loose) time limit.



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