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由Trashcan Jesus編輯: 10/27/2015 1:48:32 AM

Combat Challenge: War Pigs

[i]Since the first incarnation of the tank, mobile heavy armor has been an important aspect of modern combat. To command a battalion, let alone a single vehicle, requires immense skill and tactical finesse. Before allowing a commander to take control of a real battalion of tanks, Venom Incorporated tests its men in the virtual realm, to see if they have the guts to lead in battle, and the brains to bring their men home. One of the most grueling virtual tests, the one which you will participate in, is modeled in a manner similar to the the Battle of 73 Easting, one of the most famous tank battles of the First Gulf War. You will be given command of two 6-tank battalions and two 6-IFV battalions. You will be tasked with neutralizing an enemy force twice your size. You will be expected to lose no more than three tanks, and will be fighting in open desert terrain, in a sandstorm. Your equipment will be your best friend. As commander, you will be given the choice between three different types of tanks and IFVs to support you. [/i] [b]Tanks:[/b] Leopard 2A6V [spoiler] 120mm rifled cannon Coaxial 7.62mm machine gun Smoke grenade launchers Dozer Blade TUSK kit[/spoiler] M1A3V Abrams [spoiler]120mm Smoothbore cannon Coaxial 7.62mm machine gun 7.62 pintle machine gun M2HB .50 cal coaxial machine gun M2HB pintle machine gun Mine Plow Smoke launchers TUSK kit[/spoiler] VInc Merkava II [spoiler] 120mm smoothbore cannon M134 pintle minigun Coaxial 7.62 machine gun Bar armor Trophy system Reactive armor[/spoiler] [b]Infantry Fighting Vehicles:[/b] VInc Puma V [spoiler] 30mm autocannon Lock-On Guided rocket system 7.62mm pintle machine gun Reactive armor Smoke grenade launchers[/spoiler] M3V Bradley [spoiler]25mm Bushmaster autocannon 7.62mm pintle machine gun TOW missile system M2HB pintle machine gun[/spoiler] VInc LAV-25 [spoiler] 70mm Hydra Rocket pods 25mm Bushmaster autocannon 7.62mm pintle machine gun M2HB pintle machine gun Smoke grenade launchers Bar armor[/spoiler] Choose wisely. You will be engaging hostile T-14 and T-90 tanks, as well as BTR-90 IFVs.



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