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由Alonfé編輯: 11/2/2015 4:29:40 AM

The Battle of 100! - A Combat Challenge (TEMPORARY CLOSE TILL MONDAY)

[i]Your forces have rallied, and so have the enemies. You stand 2 km apart, as each approaches. Armed with swords, bows, axes, lances and more, it's time for war. The field is dry, tall golden grass up to your knees; completely open, no trees or obstacles. To the North is the enemy; to the west and to the east 1km is a dense forest, full of deciduous trees that cast eerie yet quite beautiful shadows across the forest floor. The clearing you're in is about 10km square. The sky is blue, a blinding sun beating down on your troops, yet a slight breeze to reprieve them of the heat. Your country's flag whips valiantly in the wind, your force of 100 men sent to stop this war in one final battle. The enemy brought their own force, 100 in number; but be warned, a scout has already sized up your forces, and they may have sent warriors to counter yours. The only thing that may decide this battle is tactics. [/i] [b]You have an army of 100 men. This army can include up to 100 of a combination of the following: Archers (Light Armour; Longbow; Fast); Cavalry (Medium Armour; Lance and Short Sword; Extremely Fast); Infantry (Heavy Armour; Spear; Extremely Slow); Infantry (Medium Armour; Sword and Shield; Medium); Fighters (Very Light Armour; Axes; Faster) Mage (Unarmoured; Fire Tome; Faster)[/b] Only Restriction: MUST have no more or less than a hundred men. [u]MUST READ #1: Cavalry is extremely slow in forest terrain; otherwise, all units move one step down in speed in forest terrain (exclude Archers, Mage, and Fighter #2: Infantry (Spear), Mage, and Archer can attack from affar (throwing/distance weapons) #3: You will make a force, post it, I will make an opposing one. I'll play easy, but you'll have to best me. #4: Random factors will be implied (but that's a secret ;) #5: No OP or Godmod, keep in consideration TIME! The enemy moves as fast as you, try to predict their movements!!! #6: The main goal is total annihilation. Though this sounds cruel, I don't care if one man stands; last man standing wins. #7: Use of any tactic is allowed, some restrictions could be made, as I can't think of any tactic that makes it unfair #8: If unsure of move, PM me. [/u] Take this like a Turn-Based RPG, you move than I do; an intricate game of chess that I simplified a bit. This ranks as a combat challenge, so do your best!!! Please be patient as I'm only one guy, but enjoy!!! [spoiler]HINT: Important things to consider [Environment] [Time of Day] [Weather] [Illness/Plague] [Weaponry] <---- Examples of certain 'complications' I could make ;)[/spoiler] [u][b]WINNERS:[/b][/u] Swifty (Exillias):[spoiler]Main Force: 30 archers, 25 cavalry, 25 infantry medium, 20 mages Opposing Force: 10 Fighters, 50 Infantry Heavy, 30 Infantry Medium, and 10 Archers Complications: Sneaky Fighters, Fog Surviving Force: 5 Mages, 15 Archers, 5 Infantry Tactics: 9/10 Tactics included: Fire Arrows, Molotovs, Ambush, Steel Weaponry, Closed Ranks during Fog (prompted by Scout)[/spoiler]
#rob #Alon



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