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由Shadlezz編輯: 10/25/2015 7:35:07 PM

Ordo Hereticus - The Threat Within.

The Ordo Hereticus: fervent protectors of purity and Keepers of the Faith. These zealots of the Imperium spend days and nights investigating heresy within the Imperium, destroying heretics and purging the traitorous with holy flames. If you are of the Imperium and are under investigation, it is most certainly by the Ordo Hereticus. [i][url=]Dreyfus Lancelot[/url](Said Lancelot the Pious.)[/i] [quote]Genetically enhanced and equipped with some of the finest armaments and armor, Inquisitor Dreyfus strikes fear into the hearts of the Heretics simply by mention of his name. He has slain and brought to justice hundreds of heretics, Mutants and worshippers of false gods in the name of the Holy God-Emperor, and will slay many many more in the just cause he believes in. Because Faith is the impenetrable shield of the Imperium, and it will only be as strong as your faith.[/quote] [i]Canoness Lucretia Agnes:[/i] [spoiler][/spoiler]



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