[i]The Ordo Malleus is one of the three Chief Orders of the Inquisition, along with the Ordo Xenos and Hereticus. The Ordo Malleus specializes in dealing with Daemon threats and any suspicions regarding employment of the Warp.[/i]
[i][url=http://i.imgur.com/llv8XW5.jpg]Ophelia Krieger[/url](said The Witch Huntress):[/i]
[quote]Lord Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus, Ophelia Lancaster, otherwise known as the Witch Huntress, performs her holy duty purging Mutants, Witches and legions of the unclean in the name of the Imperium. She specializes in interrogation, as all Inquisitors do, and prefers leaving the troop leading to her counterpart, Lorenzo. She possesses her own specific arsenal, including promethium casters, plasma launchers and Inferno Pistol. Not to mention, her Power sword.[/quote]
[i][url=http://i.imgur.com/JDZbhYg.jpg]Lorenzo Gwayne:[/url][/i]
[quote]Lord Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus and Commander of the Militant chamber of the Ordo Malleus, the Grey Knights, Gwayne is a fearsome figure, daunting commander and an efficient Inquisitor. He is larger than other space marines, due to his Terminator armor. He acts as a liaison between the high command of the Inquisition and the Militant Chamber.[/quote]