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原先發佈於:Goddess Squad
由Vices編輯: 8/4/2015 4:27:52 PM


The reason why I am always alone is not because I want to be alone, but because there is no one in this world who I can relate to, and who can fully understand who I am, what I want to do, what I want to achieve. To respect what I can do, respect my potential of what I can be great in. To fully appreciate who I am, to accept who I am. Despite my flaws, a person who is there for me, and I am there for them, that is something I want. To eat lunch together, to talk about sports, music, art, gaming, manga, anime. To help each other out, with homework, social situations. To be there for each other when someone is going through rough times, when things aren't going the way they were planned. To keep giving each other something positive, so the both of us can have a reason to go on, to keep pushing forward. I just want someone to care. I just want someone to hear what I have to say. I just want someone to see the things that I can do for others who truly care. I just want someone to smell the sweat of the work I have put in, when I have the self motivation to do it. I just want someone to taste the bitterness I have inside, everyday seeing others have someone they can talk to, to rely upon, and see them enjoy their own life because they have a purpose, a true reason on why they should live. I just want someone to know what it's like to feel, cold, dark, loneliness. I just want something genuine.



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