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由Sans編輯: 5/28/2015 3:25:58 AM

Custom Daily Grimoire: Ghost Fragment 1: The Defenders

OPEN: TRANSMISSION 254B: BEGINNING MESSAGE: Mara Sov: The Defenders, they're pledging allegiance to me? Variks: Yes, my queen. They are loyal to you, as am I. Petra: Seems like they're a large help in defending the reef, they could be helpful if the wolves return in full power. *Mara stands from her throne, walking up to meet the group of guardians. Mara: Tell me more, why do they swear to me? Petra: Has something to do with tying loose ends with you, haven't heard of anyone this loyal since Variks and the Judgeme- Variks: I am House Judgement Scribe, but I am loyal, to Queen. *Mara walks up to the leader, hoping for some answers other than just her two assistants. END MESSAGE: BEGINNING TRANSMISSION 255B: ERROR! CANNOT LOAD MESSAGE!



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