Firm believer in global warming, but also strong advocate for gasoline powered cars.
Yes that too! But really now, why can't I be both? I don't think global warming is a myth. I think there is plenty of peer reviewed evidence out there that point to the fact that yes, there indeed is global warming going on. At the same time, am I running to trade in my pushrod V8 for a Prius? Hell no.
[quote]Yes that too! But really now, why can't I be both? I don't think global warming is a myth. I think there is plenty of peer reviewed evidence out there that point to the fact that yes, there indeed is global warming going on. At the same time, am I running to trade in my pushrod V8 for a Prius? Hell no.[/quote] It doesn't work that way. If you believe it's real, you'd realize that there needs to be change. That's like saying "I realize that my house's condition is worsening, but taking a sledgehammer to Everything is just too fun, I'd rather keep destroying than put it down." Except this isn't just [i]your[/i] house. It's everyone's. And you're children's. And grandchildren's. You're basically saying "-blam!- it, let them deal with the problem" and the issue with that mentality is that too many people think like that, and that's the reason not enough is being done about it. Another analogy, "I believe the California drought is real, but I'm not willing to give up watering my lawn, waking my car, and taking 45 minute showers" People like you make me feel ill
No need to get so defensive about it. I mostly agree with what you're saying. I live in a rural area, I ride a bike as much as I can, but for most trips a car is required. Buying a newer, more fuel efficient, more expensive car isn't an option for me at this point. Do enjoy and appreciate gasoline powered cars? Absolutely. Can I afford a Tesla model S? No I can't. I would LOVE to get my hands on a Tesla, but it's not feasible. Nor is a Prius for thay matter. The state I live in is making improvements to promote a more green lifestyle with public transportation and being more cyclist friendly, but they still have a long ways to go. You have to realize that it's hard and expensive to live an eco friendly life style, and certain things are just out of our control. I'm not trying to pass the buck on to future generations, but I do what I can. I'm sorry if it's not up to your standards.