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由WickedWahine808編輯: 3/22/2015 9:34:20 PM

I am having a serious issue on

Been on for a long while and always appreciated the open dialogue and care for the community Bungie has shown. I cannot for my life get an answer to a simple but important question. Isn't anyone at Bungie reading the forums? I've posted on the matter everywhere it seemed to be fitting and not a peep, a hoot or even a pfft. Please let me help you help me so I can get help, an answer, something, anything. [url][/url] It makes zero sense to me why this question is completely ignored over and over again, at least give me a reason why it is because I don't get it. Why should anyone try to bury something so beautiful? Do you not care about your musically inclined fans? [b]A symphonic and choral suite in eight movements[/b], not too many video games can boast something like that. The Maestro is gone, we all move on, but the masterpiece remains in your hands, don't be a dick and don't make us kick your ass Bungie, release it in its full glorious CD format, along with the original OST. (Excerpts only is pretty frustrating and infuriating, and iTunes mp3's are poop and don't do it justice), TAKE OUR MONEY FOOLS!



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