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3/12/2015 4:18:45 PM

I learned the truth about 9/11

My friends and I discovered the truth about 9/11. It was the Wright Brothers! Now, hear me out. The Wright Brothers invented the plane right? Well, why would they do that? Hot air balloons work just fen right? So they must have made them to crash them into buildings! But they had to wait a long time in order to crash them into big enough buildings, so they had to sell their souls and become ghosts to posses the planes on 9/11! I'm just putting the facts together here. But they could only have been on two of the four planes so Amelia Earhart must have helped fly one of the planes! You think Amelia accidentally crashed into the ocean? No, she wanted to use her plane as a missile! The final plane was supposed to be pissed by Orville after crashing the first plane but global warming prevented his possession and made him crash in the field. It all makes sense. I have discovered the truth. Now I must hide from the government as they must have also discovered the truth and blamed the middle easterners!



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