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原先發佈於:DoD Beyond
由jimbacuan編輯: 2/11/2015 7:54:09 PM


So I gotta a question. Which of your characters do you identify yourself with the most. I've created three. One of each but the more I play with each the more I discover how similar I would be to my Hunter the reckless-not-so-silent assassin. I'm going to Dragon con this year in Atlanta and I'm building my costume from scratch I'm trying to take my son and we're building together and when it came time to decide what we were gonna dress up as I immediately thought of my Hunter. I would think that because of my military experience I would identify better with my Titan but I don't. I'm more a eff you in the face with a knife while I shoot solar flares at you and disappear. So my question to you is who do you identify yourself with. Titan. Warlock. Or Hunter.



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