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Edited by Mohamed: 9/29/2014 9:58:48 PM
Continued from [url=]OP:[/url] [quote] The_Prince_Of_Wishes: Their vision was as logical as the speaker, it seems... [b]404Architect[/b]: Funny enough, the Speaker was much different in the original version of the game. There is a reason that Bill Nighy was chosen to be his voice actor, and much of his recorded dialogue is not in the shipped game. I am not certain if that storyline will ever be seriously pursued now that so many changes have been made. truemeliorist: If you are able to say, is the feedback from the community about these things missing swaying that vision at all? Or is it more of a "you'll get what we want to give you" sort of vision? [b]404Architect[/b]: All feedback is heard, even if you do not see a response. It is all taken to heart. TheFiremind88: It's a simple yes or no question. If people were to organize and protest so much content being cut, is there any way it could motivate Action/Bungie to put any more of that content out closer to what was intended? It us a good game, but I think a GREAT game was advertised and intended. I personally bought a 400 dollar gaming system for THIS game. I know I'm not alone either. Despite you guys making a good game, can't help but feel cheated. [b]404Architect[/b]: Your wallet speaks more than any words do to some extent, but even with that said flagging sales will not inspire a change back to the original paradigm. If Destiny stops bringing in money it will stop having new content developed. Voicing your concerns, opinions, and comments is critical to informing the development team as to what direction to continue going in, however. Everyone knows the reaction to the storyline, but I don't know what will come of that recognition. TheFiremind88: So, say there was something done, like, Boycott DLC in response to feeling let down, are you saying that's more likely to just motivate them to pull the plug as opposed to giving the people what they expected? Even if we're not moving onto the original intended design, honestly just a reasonably cohesive story, and some additional content would certainly help quell the masses. [b]404Architect[/b]: I can't say with any authority what Activision would do, but waning sales usually means no money to continue support and lack of incentive to continue support. oldknave: Are people/the higher ups at Bungie aware of how nonsensical and poor/short people have perceived the story as being, and how repetitive the content seems to be, or is there kind of an attitude of "we think everything we made is great." [b]404Architect[/b]: Everyone is acutely aware of reaction to the story. How much that will change the "vision" for Destiny is unclear to me. DLC sales figures will be closely watched. RagnarokSam: Did the original vision include more planets/locations? It seems the grimore cards mention Mercury and Saturn in some context, but perhaps that's just supplemental lore rather than anything that was intended to be player interactive. [b]404Architect[/b]: Yes. Several more were planned. StaticSilence: Is/was Jason Jones aware and supportive of this lobotomy to the story? Or is activision forcing their will upon bungie. Are the employees at bungie already regretting signing a ten year deal with activision? Any answer you give can't be verified so I take what u say with many grains of salt. [b]404Architect[/b]: I won't speak to his motivations, that isn't my place to say. Activision isn't solely at fault for the way Destiny turned out. Many choices were made, not all of them reflective of the original spirit of the game. GoCallYourMommy: I hope you guys get the opportunity to see your vision come to life then. I think the graphics are great, the gameplay is fun. As a 40 year old gamer who has to hide my hobby from my peers (Ha) and own every major system/platform in history I hope that comes with some satisfaction to hear. But your situation doesn't seem to be unusual for 2014 developers really. I hope the cash pours in and you guys can tell the bean counters to -blam!- off eventually. [b]404Architect[/b]: 500+ million in the first week. Destiny made back its development cost in 7 days. GoCallYourMommy: Jesus Christ. That's some Call of Duty numbers. I had no idea. -blam!-ers better reinvest or they are missing out on the long term gravy train!! [b]404Architect[/b]: Admittedly its less than that in real dollars, but $500 million in units were shipped to stores. That's, largely, how publishers inflate sales figures using the term "sell in." But that's how COD likely gets its numbers as well, so its a fair comparison. [b]404Architect[/b]: Thank you for the kind words, Bungie has a lot of hard-working people at it who perform exceptionally under great pressure and tight deadlines. With that, I'm closing up my participation in the AMA, I think I've said enough. Thank you to everyone who reached out and kept things so civil. See you starside. [/quote] Part 3:

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  • XD Tru dat.

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  • The amount of time I have put into this game, and now reading this I am beyond pissed off. This game is turning out to be KOA Reckoning all over again. Activision is everything that is wrong with gaming today, exploit me more please. I paid for a game and content is locked on the disc? You said it was DLC? You just wanted that extra $35.00 right? and $26.00 for the limited edition guide? I feel sick to my stomach, and sick of being taken advantage of and exploited to a level that rivals insanity. There is no point to be excited for any form of game being released anymore. All you want is my money, and once you get it you sit back laughing at us on these forums.

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  • This is why I and many others were urging ppl not to bother with limited and ghost editions of the game. Its not worth it. How's that ghost toy looking nowfanboys?

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  • Fricken trinkets. I made a foolish decision, too, though--I bought the Digital Schmidgital Edition, to get the DLC at a discounted price. Boy was that dumb. I'll only feel good about that if we actually get some of what we were promised in that first DLC.

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  • I got the digital guardian edition too. By the end of the second expansion it will be enough for me til the next glorified game expansion comes out. I'm sure destiny 2 will have a goty edition with all destiny one in it as well. Better just to get those for twenty bucks a year after than shell out over time

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  • The way Destiny is right now sometimes reminds me of CoD, all flash and no substance until you read the grimmore which is almost comepletely seperate from the actual game. After reading this, if it's true which a lot of it does make sense, I'm pretty sad. It sucks that we'll never get to see what Destiny was originally supposed to be. I was excited about the game from when it was first announced with the concept art and all those vidocs only got me more excited. So for the stuff that was introduced in those and the content to be slashed significantly, mainly the story which I care about a lot, it's kind of depressing. I remember when the factions were first introduced. Osiris just kind of clicked with me even though I didn't know anything about it. Now we see that there is actually a warlock named Osiris which kind of leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Another thing that got brought to my attention was how different the introduction to the game was compared to the rest. We see the Fallen climbing on walls, jumping down from ceilings, and trip mines but nowhere else do we see that. This really does make me feel like Destiny was dumbed down to a casual level at the expense of the story, content and just simply cohesion.

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  • Edited by Dingse3: 10/1/2014 10:03:53 PM
    Like the late great Bruce Lee said "emotional content" without it I guess it's nout but an Exo skeleton waiting for a soul. That's indeed what this game lacks, is a soul! From this thread and like I guess we all knew Bungie would never intend to see a souless product released. Shame the game hasn't lived up to it's vision for both creator and player alike, though still enjoyable it doesn't feel like the experience it could have been. Very Insightful read, thanks to everyone who she'd some light over Destiny's question marks. Destiny "the darkness has consumed you" thats's if this is truth. ^^ but still there are gaurdians to fight! Optimistic.

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  • @Bungie, can we please have a "Conspiracy" section of the forums or something so posts like this don't have to clog up the main feed? Maybe a rumors section or something?

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  • Great article. Thank you.

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  • "Sees Post" "Grabs popcorn"

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  • This and the in game dlc already in the disc. Consumers are getting -blam!-, hope you people wake up and realise whats really going on.

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  • Don't believe that content was cut? Lock in that subclass....

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  • Oh, snap. Totally forgot that was an option in the Beta until I read your comment just now. I remember thinking during the Beta, "There must be some reason you'd choose to do that--maybe you get the choice of two okay/good subclasses, or one really badass one?"

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  • Honestly.... I blame Activision...... We know their game or well (lack of game - content) best releases were for the atari 2600. Now, they are nothing more than media thugs extorting consumers with DLC that should have been in the initial release and ruining amazing companies like Bungie. To hell with Activision...

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  • Right! Money money! It's sad the old school THPS is associated to them..

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  • I will not be buying Destiny 2 lmao..unless its seriously cheap second more LE for me thanks.

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  • Sad if this holds any truth. It does sound like it could hold some validity, would certainly explain some of the issues with this game.

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  • Still don't believe this, how does cutting the story make the game more accessible to the masses? I'm sure casuals can handle a story, the ones in Call Of Duty all have some degree of complexity in them.

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  • Maybe ppl should google "404 error" comeback and slap yourself for believing anything on that reddit page lol. The internet is the land of the gullible and home of the clueless. We got everything thing we were promised, except its just more polished now.

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  • I very much hope you're joking.

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  • [quote]Maybe ppl should google "404 error" comeback and slap yourself for believing anything on that reddit page lol. The internet is the land of the gullible and home of the clueless. We got everything thing we were promised, except its just more polished now.[/quote] Jajajaja I hope that was you being sarcastic. If you are trully being serious then you just jumped on the destiny hype bandwagon 2 days before realese day.

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  • [quote] We got everything thing we were promised, except its just more polished now. [/quote] You either weren't paying attention in the marketing, or you're lying to yourself, because this us provably wrong.

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  • Edited by Jakiller19: 10/1/2014 10:17:23 AM
    idk might not be a right

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  • I bet you DeeJ just said this was fake because he doesn't want the truth getting out, because legally he wouldn't be able to say it was the truth. If this isn't real though, it should be, because it's pretty much the truth. Bungie let us ALL down.

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