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Destiny 2

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1/22/2025 7:14:39 PM

Saint's Golden Boy old

Lighthouse only after 7 wins is amazing!

I'm a newer player to the game and now being able to get ghosts, ships, sparrow, shaders, and Adept weapons is amazing. I appreciate that there is a more casual passage for casual players(Trials of Osiris Passage). But also having a passage where you only need to win 7 games to go to the lighthouse is amazing(Lighthouse Passage) and the win streak system is still good for the pro players. This is going to be amazing. Thank You Bungie!

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  • Edited by eliteg: 1/23/2025 5:16:32 PM
    Initial impression: [b]IMO Bungie made all these changes for 1 simple reason... to not give Freelance back[/b]... to make it.. eventually achievable to earn loot.. yet still be farmed as a solo. This is their path to stabilizing population. These guys will invent faster than light speed, discover a new dimension.. solve world peace rather than give Freelance back. Is it better for a solo? yes... Is there still something for high level players? yes... Will carry services still be of value? lol RIP and good riddens... (main reason you hear complaints from some top players other than weird gate-keeping mindset.. f'em and dont even pay a little attention..) There are other changes to PVP that are positive including the ability cooldowns.. the new structure of the playlists.. more stats.. and objective rewarding focus... Needed > Keep the weapons flowing (even more than you indicated) and balanced.. make the economy right.. do something with the worlds.. get a cool gun testing matchmade activity going to make the value of all the weapons go WAY up... But without dedicated FREELANCE they have not monetized me for now...

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