Idea: Make bubble regen in PVE like a roaming super
Please buff bubble; I mean, look at your data. This sh is unusable so no one ever uses it and it’s sad because it’s one of the only supers which does not just focus on slaying. Encouraging just these supers makes the game feel bland and less strategic.
I miss people using it in crucible. I use purple blade dancer, and whenever I used to see people huddled up in bubble, I was always like, "Oooh, free kills!!!"
I wonder if they could hybridize Bubble x Sentinel Shield. Cast Bubble, you and fireteam get overshield and a protective bubble. Caster gets a shield to trow or block damage. More damage with shield when closer to bubble. Like make it a lockdown area super. Let Twilight be the roaming super. Some exotics could make the bubble either larger or last longer, or give move shields to throw.
Ally kills while bubble is active should extend the duration of the bubble, allowing it to remain active for a protracted period much like in the final Witness fight.
Crazy we're seeing a [i]Citan's[/i] [b]Buff[/b] that [b]ISN'T[/b] letting us shoot through [i]Ward of Dawn[/i]....
How about: Kills with weapons of light increase the diameter of the bubble Thunderdome!
They should add offensive capabilities like add a void turret or super void soul on top of the Bubble. This way it will be better at locking down areas.
What are you talking about? Bubble is getting a weaken pulse on cast. Imagine all the bosses your going to hit with it!
I still use bubble more than Sentinel Shield. Twilight Arsenal? I can onephase a boss, sure.
Edited by BackdoorBacon: 1/23/2025 10:56:19 PMAt this point edge of action is a better bubble than ward of dawn. -significantly higher uptime, especially since they are allowing it to charge up with only basic glaive melees now. -only 33% shorter duration than super. -intrinsic weapon damage boost (small but still something) - intrinsic increased weapons handling and reload (I think) -still has roaming Void overshield. -still benefits from saint-14 - oh and it’s not subclass locked.
Bubble suffers at the moment because of the fact there is no circumstances in PvE where it’s defensive capabilities outweigh cutting off your ability to shoot at whatever is hitting you. The fact it found a niche use during the Skolas fight for an easy Acrius use is a refreshing change of pace. It’s why Well of Radiance completely outclasses it even after all the tweaking that’s been done in 99% of PvE cases.
It’s criminal what they’ve done to bubble they need to fix that
Edited by BIG AND REDACTED: 1/24/2025 5:39:21 AMWeapons of light at 35% damage stacking buff that lasts 10 seconds outside the bubble. Instantly fixed Edit:then bring glasshouse exotic helm back and double or triple the duration 👍🏽👍🏽
They’ve tried making bubble into more of a defensive super. The problem is well of radiance is does that in spades while also giving you a damage buff. Another problem is that the best defense in this game is a good offense. It’s why no one wants to use the new void shield aspect.
[quote]Idea: Make bubble regen in PVE like a roaming super — Please buff bubble; mean, look at your data. This sh is unusable so no one ever uses it and it’s sad because it’s one of the only supers which does not just focus on slaying. Encouraging just these supers makes the game feel bland and less strategic.[/quote] It’s good, there’s just no content where you want that kind of defense. More content should be made with niche stuff in mind, allowing strong situational stuff to shine.
FYI in one of the early D2 trailers a titan cast a roaming bubble
I would add that they put Weapons of Light back onto Bubble. They can honestly piss off for moving it to Helm of Saint-14 because that helmet was to let you keep the overshield when you exit the bubble, not to grant WoL because the buff was a default thing back in D1 so there is no reason the exotic should be the source now.
I would double down on the offensive bulwark effect and have being near bubble spike ability regen and ability damage for all teammates (scaling separately depending on what type of ability being buffed). A sort or twin to the weapon buff granted by well, and honestly better for how void titan is designed. Also why ever use helm over doomfang.