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1/22/2025 9:19:48 PM

PvP striketeam updates mean diddly if you don't ban / rule out hardware/ hack cheaters

Changes to trials/ comp seem cool I guess since it will increase the population , but it's gonna mean F all if you don't address the cheating epidemic . Played comp earlier today I went against ( guarenteed!) 2 cheaters using MnK hardware inputs on console . JUST OPENLY RECOGNIZE THE ISSUE ! SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT instead of just pretending like it's not a problem.

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  • Bungo is clueless and full of DEI hires... you wonder why they have issues...

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    2 Replies
    • Pvp strike team is made up of a vindictive dev who likes to axe fun and creative builds in order to push people towards spending money on DLC which have more potent content.

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    • As a console player, I just want them to permanently place 3rd party device users in PC lobbies. It gets them away from us, and gives PC players more people to face. 🤷‍♀️

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      3 Replies
      • Shouldnt sony / xbox address hardware cheaters?

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      • Bungie: “Let’s address the elephant in the room.” Me: “ Finally, the cheaters.” Bungie “ Let’s add more playlists into the game, and make trials easier” Literally everyone: “🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️”

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      • Edited by Zonepatrol: 1/23/2025 4:33:02 PM
        The devs are clueless why IB is popular. Also more clueless on actual issues with the different game modes and why population is so low. Their goals are aligned with existing systems and trying to add consistency. So they are shotgunning ideas to mirror the population in IB game modes. When you patch existing systems without listening to why people leave or stop playing you permanently loose customers. Disappointing is my word for current Crucible management.

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      • watch "itshapa" streamer busted on youtube. pvp in general is a joke.

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      • There’s a new type of cheat I noticed while playing IB nowadays.. please report them if you notice em during crucible matches These cheaters can travel through walls and will be appearing in front of you behind you all of a sudden..

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      • [quote]Played comp earlier today I went against ( guarenteed!) 2 cheaters using MnK hardware inputs on console .[/quote] How do you actual know? Did they tell you they were or is this just "I know" feeling?

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        • 1
          Game population will never recover so its just too late

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          hmu for pms - old

          Doesn’t mean diddy

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          • Pointless making changes if the cheats are still getting away with it.

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            • It’s so sad. It’s why I don’t play pvp a lot anymore, almost made me join the cheating squad but I just can’t do it.

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            • [quote]Changes to trials/ comp seem cool I guess since it will increase the population , but it's gonna mean F all if you don't address the cheating epidemic . Played comp earlier today I went against ( guarenteed!) 2 cheaters using MnK hardware inputs on console . JUST OPENLY RECOGNIZE THE ISSUE ! SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT instead of just pretending like it's not a problem.[/quote] …furthermore, it excludes solo’s. Rewards revolve around playing with a teammate or full fireteam!

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              2 Replies
              • They need to hire that guy making the hacks to show them all the weak points in their spaghetti code, dude can code better than triple A Devs... give him a high paying job. Instead of banning cheaters, make it impossible for them to cheat.

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                • This is hardly cheating when I have people flying around 1 shoting everyone and are immune to damage.

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                • in the update it said “we’re going to address the elephant in the room” and immediately i thought of cheating aaaaaaand no mention of it at allll smhhhh they should implement loss protection going against a cheater if they already have it for ppl going afk/throwing/leaving

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