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1/22/2025 7:27:21 PM

hand cannons

again the hand cannon with sniper range meta. why? cruicible filled with try hards and igneous hammer no recoil keyboard warriors. aimbot spam. no other guns in the game? meta or nothing? makes for VERY boring gameplay ... tied in with crap p2p connections makes crucible very unenjoyable.

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  • If you look at stats, hand cannons take the most skill to use effectively out of all primaries. Dad rifles and scouts are too forgiving at too long range. You complaining about Hand cannons only shows you're terrible at pvp lmao

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    5 Replies
    • I feel it’s a matter of most maps being best for hand cannons more than them being the superb option, it’s a fault of the PvP devs not making enough super long range open maps similar to first light in D1 on the moon. I don’t necessarily prefer long maps all the time but I feel it wouldn’t hurt for Bungie to at least do some map voting/randomizer/playlists per crucible gamemode so you can either be on close, mid, or long range maps. It may slow matchmaking down but it would let people who only wanna play close or only want to play far, or only want to play mid(love that double entendre😂) the option to do so possibly bettering the PvP experience a little(:

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    • Hcs are generally the most well-rounded guns in the game, and hc shotgun is the loadout the catches the most consistency in the most situations SMG sniper is one of my favorite loadouts to use, but once you're out of sniper you have no option for those ranges, but a handcannon covers way longer ranges and remains effective in SMG territory They could definitely try to adjust other weapon types to bring consistency up at other ranges, it would bring more variety

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    • You can also pick up an adept version of igneous hammer from Eris (Moon) for 1 bento token. That weapon is crazy good. So don’t waste your time complaining… do a quick bounty (3 nightmare hunts) earn your token and get the gun. The bounties are at Drifter and Xur (I think). Fyi… Horror’s Least 540 pulse rifle is great too. Another pvp gun that you should pick up from Eris.

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    • Try one of these as a counter Claws of the Wolf Aisha's Graviton Hung Jury Stay Frosty BxR Glissando MIDA No Feelings Polaris Jade Rabbit Outbreak Revision Zero

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      4 Replies
      • So far.. People have complained about every gun, perk, build, and strategy in the game. The problem is not in the game.. It's the people playing it.

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        5 Replies
        • Yeah man, I regretted winning during the Elsie's meta because it turned into the way of napoleon Firing line and let the clock run out Such dopamine filled gameplay

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        • Edited by Lich: 1/23/2025 3:21:42 AM
          Ahh yes make sure it's the spray and pray weapons and Polaris lance

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          2 Replies
          • I’m average at pvp. And I’ve used hand cannons. Some are better than others. But even the best hand cannons haven’t just won duels without aiming. My aim isn’t on point all the time and those misses and me staring at my ghost doesn’t tell me I’ve won the duels. “It’s only a flesh wound but still!”

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          • If you miss one shot with 120 your TTK goes to what?? I am so shocked that you are complaining about HC, just see the TTK chart for all the weapons 😳

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            9 Replies
            • No that's just me using the lemon

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            • [quote]again the hand cannon with sniper range meta. why? cruicible filled with try hards and igneous hammer no recoil keyboard warriors. aimbot spam. no other guns in the game? meta or nothing? makes for VERY boring gameplay ... tied in with crap p2p connections makes crucible very unenjoyable.[/quote] Snipers have more than 20-30 meters of range.

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            • 2

              bring back 1 shot kelgorath's in pvp - old

              do you prefer pulses that punish you for going anywhere other than behind cover?

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            • Pulses are still out performing

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              4 Replies
              • You are talking about d2 pvp. skill is a foreign word. Rather be killed by a dad rifle than a kid cannon. At least the dad had to aim.

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                5 Replies
                • The gameplay sucks with bad maps no matter what the meta…there are maybe 4 decent pvp maps, the rest are hide and seek or parts of raid maps torn our for giggles, with no real thought for shooting lanes or gun battles

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                  1 Reply
                  • Just use a high impact pulse or a 150 scout rifle,they kill faster and they’re just as easy to use.

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                  • Edited by Magiscene: 1/23/2025 2:14:43 AM
                    Don’t worry 120s will be overused then get a range nerf since bungie hates fun. It happened last time they buffed 120s and this time they practically have no competition since 340 pulses got nuked and most maps are on the smaller maps forcing scout rifles out of the equation

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                  • Pretty much the norm with handcannons ! They have to be relevant or alot of players would drop out and the streamers . Bandannas are geared to be top tier . Ridiculous distance , high ….high aim assist , two tap etc . Now PvP is dying out and player numbers drop it will be the sweats left and it will be hc/ shotty/ snip again. It wild that usual suspects still take it so seriously, going on about kd and trying to gather kills .

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                  • Max aim assist weapons that are impossible to miss with …. But they require skill apparently…. Lol

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                    13 Replies
                    • not a problem hc are balanced

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                      2 Replies
                      • I don't understand how, after almost 10 years, people haven't gotten bored of the hand cannon/shotgun meta. 🤷‍♀️

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                        3 Replies
                        • This game has always been a hand cannon meta and that will never change, especially as long as the very vocal hand cannon simps keep crying whenever they die to anything other than a hand cannon.

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                        • [quote]again the hand cannon with sniper range meta. why? cruicible filled with try hards and igneous hammer no recoil keyboard warriors. aimbot spam. no other guns in the game? meta or nothing? makes for VERY boring gameplay ... tied in with crap p2p connections makes crucible very unenjoyable.[/quote] Easy Destiny have always been the shooter were people including me use Handcannons because how they feel, if you want to use plse rifle or auto or smg go and play call of duty

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                        • Yes let's complain about a one second ttk weapon

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                        • No hand cannon has sniper range lol refrain from posting after getting stomped

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