I'm a newer player to the game and now being able to get ghosts, ships, sparrow, shaders, and Adept weapons is amazing. I appreciate that there is a more casual passage for casual players(Trials of Osiris Passage). But also having a passage where you only need to win 7 games to go to the lighthouse is amazing(Lighthouse Passage) and the win streak system is still good for the pro players. This is going to be amazing. Thank You Bungie!
People will complain as they always do. But it’s important for the health of the game that they do this. Now just make it so every perk and ability isn’t nerfed 8 times……
Nothing about this game was ever competitive
I read the update notes…there’s a lot to unpack. The bit that stuck out to me was ‘get 7 wins regardless of losses’ aspect, which gets a big 👍 from this old tortoise 0.3% Trials grinder! Overall, the various sandbox teams involved did a good job! 👏 It will be interesting to see how it plays out. 🤔 However, perhaps one of the biggest issue with Trials / PvP still remains, ie, P2P and its associated ills. Dedicated Regional Servers are the obvious solution, apparently, and maybe Destiny might get access to them…as per Marathon?! 🤞 Anyhoo, it all sounds rather interesting, and looking forward - I’m in! 👌 Ease Springs! 🫡
I don't know if what Bungie did will solve all the issues in PvP but I'm glad that to see them put the effort. I think it shows 2 things: 1) The game is not dying or left to rot. 2) They do pay attention and listen to some of the community feedback. And that's great news for the future of the game. What it needs above all is more people to play and have fun, not extra exclusive rewards for Earl of Sweat county to farm.
Okay with the changes, just wishes rewards like mementos stayed behind flawless and or glow, it doesn't impact gameplay and is just a nice niche And personally I don't think people are going to play it more, looking at banner where I played the same 12 names as an average player when Tinasha first came out, I don't believe it will make players play more. Instead they will call this casual bait and still complain they have to have 7 wins so that the "unemployed" can get their kd padded. We love that narrative after all. In a game that doesn't have esports nor a team signing players to play for money
I'll be hated, but they should've left the glows and emblems tied to flawless instead of trickling them out with wins.
I'm taking a wait and see approach, but regardless of the changes and how I believe they will play out, the lack of exciting NEW weapons is troubling for me. I don't care about a reskinned slug shotgun or hand cannon that I already have godrolls of, and I don't snipe in pvp so the reskinned vanguard sniper they are putting in trials has no appeal to me Once I get the armor, emblem and title gilded again I'll be out just a few weeks into the season. Which is the exact same trials experience for the last year+ that I have had. Get the new stuff, gild, get out till next season. At this point I'd just rather play comp for the stasis bxr (if only they would banish collision to the shadow realm 🥲)
Edited by eliteg: 1/23/2025 5:16:32 PMInitial impression: [b]IMO Bungie made all these changes for 1 simple reason... to not give Freelance back[/b]... to make it.. eventually achievable to earn loot.. yet still be farmed as a solo. This is their path to stabilizing population. These guys will invent faster than light speed, discover a new dimension.. solve world peace rather than give Freelance back. Is it better for a solo? yes... Is there still something for high level players? yes... Will carry services still be of value? lol RIP and good riddens... (main reason you hear complaints from some top players other than weird gate-keeping mindset.. f'em and dont even pay a little attention..) There are other changes to PVP that are positive including the ability cooldowns.. the new structure of the playlists.. more stats.. and objective rewarding focus... Needed > Keep the weapons flowing (even more than you indicated) and balanced.. make the economy right.. do something with the worlds.. get a cool gun testing matchmade activity going to make the value of all the weapons go WAY up... But without dedicated FREELANCE they have not monetized me for now...
I love that there’s still sweats bashing this change… the games literally dead because of them and they’re still clinging on to the elitist BS.
Loving all the gatekeeper salt What they don't know is Bungie is doing this for them , giving them a buffet of bots to farm for easy carries
It is purely a good change. I have suggested this since literally 2020 when trials came back. And i have zero issue going flawless. The 7 win streak system was always a flawed system to begin with. All it did was push content creator "sales" of subs and make people cheese for loot. It never felt approachable or engaging unless you have two other extremely meta abusing sweats on your hand. I guess Bungie is just very slow when it comes to making decisions that are good for the majority of their playerbase. They pushed elitism for way too long. Now that their playerbase is basically non existant, they finally realize "oh wow, we might need to change our attitude.." And still the remaining toxic elitists are trying to gatekeep the lighthouse by spreading toxicity about this change and they STILL dont see that there is barely anyone left for them to play against without any change... Like how delusional and stubborn can one be?
This is a participation trophy
Eh, I personally don't think handouts should in any game, as participation trophies ruin societies. That being said, the game is dying, so I get why they made these changes, I hope they don't do the same to raids and dungeons.
Edited by AssassinX: 1/24/2025 7:28:28 AMYeah just more free handouts...Bungo really is full on DEI... Always giving free handouts. Didn't Earn It
I just wonder how you guild the title now.
The change will probably start out being ok, but after all the casuals get what they want trials will probably be as bad if not worse then it already is
Saint's Golden Boy - old
They will have to add skill based matchmaking -
Yeah man, who doesn't love a nice, free handout
Edited by CrisisQuaid: 1/23/2025 10:46:41 PMWhy do people who are bad at pvp so desperately want stat point on a gun that won’t make any noticeable difference if they can’t aim in the first place?
This is Bungies participation trophy
Make the lighthouse a real social space , with Vaults and a cryptarch
That’s good. Giving people a chance to go to the light house.
Edited by Itcus: 1/23/2025 7:30:11 AMI'll probably get hate for my opinion but I'm gunna say it anyway because it's [b]MY OPINION[/b] and if you don't like it, well I don't care. It's another bad decision pandering to the easy mode players of this game. This world is too soft.
I’m neutral about while the changes are very nice, I will definitely try it out but I get why many would be upset but to be fair if you go in without any broken PvP built or meta you’ll get curve stomped immediately and that’s why I don’t want to play it, I am even hesitant to do the seasonal challenge because how sweaty it will become
In the long run these changes will ruin trials.
Edited by OUndyingO: 1/23/2025 8:10:15 PMHow is there cry babies complaining about more loot lmao, get a life outside