Bro please employ some actual talent for the armour design team.
I feel like about 90% of a set typically looks cool, with one piece is always awkward looking. I also get Trails armor is kind of ancient Egyptian in theme and style. However, can we get a futuristic x space updated look?
It feels like the design team don't know armor and don't know guns and haven't in years. So many armors just make zero sense. I hated the fallen armor we got a few years ago. Why the hell are there random hoses and lights for no reason? The fallen armor has hoses and lights for a reason, but to just attach random -blam!- to the player armor makes it look atrocious. Then why is it always -blam!- asymmetrical?! It's ugly as hell. Not to mention 99% of the guns wouldn't even be functional and as a gun guy, it hurts my soul. To see guns that supposedly fire the equivalent of a .308 or 7.62 and the reload animation shows the charging handle being pulled less than some nerf guns is abysmal. I'm not saying things like cloudstrike shouldn't exist don't get me wrong. I'm just saying a liiiitttllleee bit of effort or research into a real weapons system would make the gun design significantly better. Especially when we already have guns irl that function similarly to what they want in game.
I think it looks cool.
Agreed. They should have brought over the trials gear from Rise of Iron. 10x better!
Warlock got a pony tail.. lol
idk i kinda like it there def has been better sets tho
The armor in this game could be so much better than it is. Idk who is designing this trash but they are really missing the mark 99/100 times
Dude i like it this time!! Hunter looks the best
Edited by KEITH_LEGEND-82: 1/23/2025 11:50:34 AMI think it looks amazing... if your character wears an exotic helmet! Who knows how it will look in game... titan doesn't look too bad, warlock is 50/50 and hunter... oh my lord... where's my chin??
New Trials armor looks underwhelming, average, subpar, undesirable, lackluster? Nahhh.
Hunter is mid but you crazy if you dont think the lock and titan armor is dope
nah very good armor sets this time
bring back 1 shot kelgorath's in pvp - old
warlock is literally beautiful, you're bugging -
What exactly is bad about them?
I like the Warlock and Titan armour. Not so sure about the Hunter set, but it looks like the old Lion’s vigil cloak from D1 would have been a good match for the helmet.